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Leighton Middle School



The intent of the Art curriculum at Leighton Middle is to provide all learners with opportunities to explore a range of materials, techniques and processes through studying a wide variety of art by various artists, designers and crafts people. This will develop and enrich their knowledge about the world of Art around them. Through a range of projects, students are encouraged to think creatively, develop and record ideas through drawing, notes and painting. The planned projects we give the pupils some freedom of choice for their final piece to help them become independent learners. By the end of KS3 we expect to see the pupils reflect their own style in their projects, be able to choose the correct medium to suit their art style, increase their proficiency in the handling of a range of materials and enjoy the subject. Throughout their learning, students are made aware of how the knowledge and skills gained in this subject could lead to careers in the Art and Design industries. Throughout all the projects we work on pupil’s personal excellence in evaluations by analysing and evaluating their own work, and that of others, in order to strengthen and develop their art work.


The spiral curriculum is designed to revisit key skills, extend knowledge and reinforce practical elements to ensure the learner is progressing.  Each key stage focuses on different themes to ensure continued interest in the subject as well as acquiring new knowledge. Repetition of key skills enables pupils to develop their fine motor skills which will develop their techniques, including their control and their use of materials, with creativity, experimentation and an increasing awareness of different kinds of art, craft and design. Pupils are taught by specialist teachers who enjoy the subject and show their passion and challenge all learners to achieve their full potential.


At Leighton Middle School, Art is loved by teachers and pupils across school. The classroom is covered in pupils’ work which they are proud of and keen to have displayed. Throughout their assessment books, progress can be clearly seen as pupils have developed confidence and skills during their art journey. All children use technical vocabulary accurately and pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified. Children show competences in improving their resilience and perseverance by continually evaluating and improving their work. Children enjoy the lessons and choose to go to clubs and complete extra work outside of lessons.

Curriculum Overview

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Year 5


Autumn Term:

First Half Term

Autumn Term:

Second Half Term

Spring Term:

First Half Term

Spring Term:

Second Half Term

Summer Term:

First Half Term

Summer Term:

Second Half Term

Year 5

Sea life project: In this project pupils will learn basic skills and techniques based around sea life. The final piece is a 3d sculpture.


Pupils will learn what tone is.

Pupils learn about artist Ernest Heckle and how he was inspired by science.



Pupils will be able to draw using a range of different tones.

Pupils learn how to draw using basic shapes.

Pupils learn how to draw in pen. Cross hatching to add tone.

Pupils learn how to use coloured pencil.









Tone, cross hatching, strokes, form, observe.


Pupils learn what aboriginal art is.

Pupils learn pointillism art.


Pupils learn how to create their own pointillism piece.

Pupils learn how to design a 3d sculpture from cardboard.

Pupils learn how to work with cardboard.




















Pointillism, aboriginal, symbols, sculpture.


Pupils will be able to explain what an evaluation is.

Pupils will learn why different materials can create different textures.


Pupils learn how to add materials to add texture to their sculpture.

Pupils will to be able to explain skills they have used.

They will be able to identify 2 good and 1 bad point about their product.

Pupils will be able to suggest an improvement point.














Evaluation, improvement.

Architecture project: Pupils will learn about architecture and different artists. They will develop key skills and produce an imaginative to make a clay sculpture.


Pupils will learn what architecture is.

Pupils will be able to explain information about the artist Hundertwasser.



Pupils will develop pencil skills adding tone and texture.

Pupils will learn how to use guidelines.

Pupils will learn how to look at an artist’s work and describe how they use some techniques.

Pupils will learn how to use basic felt tip pen skills and how to add tone by colouring in certain directions.




Innovative, guidelines, architects.


Pupils will understand how different artists are inspired and how this influences their work.

Pupils will be able to explain information about the artist Gaudi.

Pupils understand what collage is.


Pupils will learn how to add colour using basic collage technique.

















Collage, influence, inspired, organic shape.


Pupils will learn how to work with clay.



Pupils learn to use their imagination and design their own clay sculpture.

Pupils will learn how to work with clay and develop different textures in the clay.

Pupils will learn how to build a 3d sculpture out of clay.






Wedging, slab, coil, slip, score

Year 6


Autumn Term:

First Half Term

Autumn Term:

Second Half Term

Spring Term:

First Half Term

Spring Term:

Second Half Term

Summer Term:

First Half Term

Summer Term:

Second Half Term

Year 6

Voyage of Discovery project. Pupils will learn and develop a range of techniques and skills. Final outcome to produce a collage of different skills on A3.


What is a Voyage? What is a discovery? Pupils will be able to explain how a mind map will help them with this project.


Pupils will learn how to put research in to a visual mind map.

They will learn how to draw different textures using pencil crayon.

They will learn how to plan and draw to scale.

Pupils will develop pen skills creating a range of different textures.











Voyage, discovery, layers, scale.


Pupils will be able to identify known information about artist Georgia O’Keefe.

They will be able to explain how layout affects the art.



Pupils will learn how to use water colours.

They will learn how to adjust size and layout of images to make a successful layout.

They will learn how to plan and design their own layout.

They will learn how to use tone to create a shiny image.


















Blend, negative space, linking.


Pupils will be able to explain why they have selected certain images and link them to their research.

They will be able to identify the media chosen and explain why they have selected it.

Skills: Pupils will learn how to follow a plan to complete a final piece and develop key skills.

With support they will select the correct media for their final piece.

Pupils will develop fine motor skills, being able to press light or hard on the paper to create the right tone.

Evaluation: Pupils will identify good and bad points and suggest clear ways to improve each bad point.

They will be able to explain what materials have been used and why.

They will be able to use descriptive words and phrases to describe the piece.


Vocabulary: Overlapping.

Mask project. Pupils will look at a different artist and skills. The final outcome will be a 3d mask.


Pupils will be able to identify and explain about artist Picasso's work. How it is different, why was he so famous.

They will be able to explain different types of masks, where they are worn and the materials they are made from.



Pupils will learn how to create a mood board on PowerPoint.

 They will develop skills of layering and connecting images to fill negative space.

They will learn how to draw a self-portrait using faint construction lines.

Pupils will develop building layers using poster paint to create a study-of Picasso.






Faint, construction lines, proportion, reflect, portrait.


Pupils will learn how paper and material choices affect the final piece.



Pupils will use pencil skills to create fur textures experimenting with coloured backgrounds and pencil.

They will design different masks ideas linked to animals.

Pupils will use a range of materials in designs.

They will develop hand to eye coordination.


















Rendering, experimenting.


Pupils will understand how to build texture using paper mâché.

They will be able to use key words to explain skills and knowledge.



Pupils will learn how to follow design, planning the correct sequence of skills.

They will develop 3d sculpture skills and learn how to use paper mâché to develop skills in creating 3d texture.

Evaluation: Pupils will explain materials and techniques they have explored.

They will use a range of key words to explain their work.

Presentation of work will be thought about.











Gradually, explored, paper mâché.

Year 7

Year 7

Sense of place: During this project pupils will learn how to use a range of different medias to create a message in their art. Final piece: Pupils will produce a A3 stencil collage.


‘Sense of Place’ A sense of belonging. Many artists find a sense of belonging through their art.

Pupils will understand what still life art is.

They will explain/demonstrate what form means.


Pupils will learn how to use charcoal.

They will learn how to design considering positive and negative space.

They will learn how to render using either felt tips or coloured pencil.






Still life, form, tone, photorealism, media, charcoal.


Pupils will learn about artist Kerstin McKee and explain their personal opinion of her art.

They will know how to make secondary and tertiary colours.


 Pupils will learn how to mix acrylic paint to create a colour wheel.

Pupils will learn how to use a viewfinder, focus.

They will learn how to enlarge work.
















Repetition, graduated primary, secondary, tertiary, contrasting.


Pupils will learn about Frida Kahlo and how she used art to reflect her life.


 They will learn how to use a stencil and how to build texture on a 2d piece of work.

 Pupils will learn how to explore different design ideas.

They will learn how to give the viewer of their art a message.


Evaluation: Pupils will suggest improvement points and consider other people’s opinions.

Work will include a clear analysis of all of the Art Elements.

Ways to improve will have been explained in detail.







Positive and negative space, symmetry, pattern.

Reflections: During this project pupils will develop their understanding of how artists use art to reflect a story or piece of themselves. Final piece is a large-scale multimedia collage.


Pupils will have an understanding of how artists use art to tell a story.



Pupils will develop pencil skills to draw a ‘selfie’ in a mobile phone trying to reflect a part of themselves.

 They will develop how to make objects appear reflective and learn how to make objects look transparent.









Vocabulary: Literal, figurative, position, angle.


Pupils will learn about M.C.Escher and to understand why he uses reflections in his work.   

They will be able to explain how objects, colours and backgrounds can tell a story or reflect the artists feeling, mood or opinions.



Pupils will learn how to look at an artist piece of work and identify objects and why they could have been included.

They will be able to use pastels to create different textures and tone.

They will be able to analyse/ identify why colours, objects and layouts have been used. 










Pastels, pressure, blend.


 Pupils will be able to explain how different surfaces change a reflection.



Pupils will be able to draw different types of reflections depending on the surface.

They will plan and discover why images are included and how they tell a story.

They will be able to reflect a piece of themselves in their own work.

Evaluation: Pupils will answer… Do you have a meaning or messages to your art work? Were you successful in this message?

Clearly explain why materials, techniques and processes have been chosen/ explored.

Ways to improve will have been explained in detail with key words.





Concave, convex, ripple.

Year 8


Autumn Term:

First Half Term

Autumn Term:

Second Half Term

Spring Term:

First Half Term

Spring Term:

Second Half Term

Summer Term:

First Half Term

Summer Term:

Second Half Term

Year 8

Pop art project. In this project pupils learn about the pop art era and the techniques and skills they used. Final: pupils produce a large scale A2 pop art inspire piece.


Pupils will understand what pop art is, what colours and techniques the artist uses.

Pupils will be able to identify pop art, pop art artists and their work.


Pupils will be able to draw a 3d elliptical shape thinking about measurements/scale. They will add tone to show the shape is 3d.















Elliptical, form.


Artist research of Roy Lichtenstein. Pupils will be able to explain how his art was different.

Pupils will be able to explain the rules of pop art.



Pupils will learn/develop a wide range of techniques to add tone: cross hatching, liner hatching, stippling, scumbling and cross contouring. 

Pupils will learn how to create the Benday dots skill.

















liner hatching, stippling, scumbling and cross contour, Benday dots.


Pupils will be able to explain how to make their art stand out.

Pupils will be able to identify a range of different pop art artists and techniques.



Pupils will learn how to make a comic strip word in pop art style.

They will use a range of different pop art skills. Pupils will be able to independently design their own pop art inspired piece.



















Comic, typography, fonts.


Pupils will know how to mix different medias and select the correct media.

Pupils will be able to explain how their evaluation will improve their art in future pieces.



Pupils will be able to independently follow their own plan and create an A3 piece of art using a range of different techniques.

Pupils will be able to plan their time to ensure they finish their piece.

Pupils will develop their planning, scale, painting and drawing skills independently to produce a large scale pop art inspired piece of art.

Evaluate: Pupils will identify strengths, weaknesses and critically evaluate their piece with clear improvement points.

They will evaluate the Art Elements and Principles in detail.





Principles, elements.

Surrealism project: Pupils will be able to explain the movement and some artists. Final piece: Pupils will use this imagination and creativity to produce a surreal room.


Pupils will be able to explain what surrealism art is.

They will be able to identify metamorphosis art. They will be able to explain their constructive opinions on the art.

Pupils will develop their painting skills from y7 and learn to use acrylic paint to create texture in their piece.


Pupils will be able to create their own

metamorphosis art.

They will be able to develop their creativity and think outside of the box.

Pupils will develop their pencil skills to be able to convey their idea clearly on the page.

They will be able to analyse an artist’s piece of work in detail using key words.


Constructive, metamorphosis, Surrealism, distortion, juxtaposition.


Pupils will use the wide range of knowledge they have learnt about different medias to be able to suggest the correct one.

They will be able to use their knowledge of artists to influence their ideas.


Pupils will demonstrate analytical and cultural understanding for an art piece.

They will be able to include a message hidden in their own art piece.

Pupils will develop their one-point perspective drawing method.

They will plan their final piece thinking carefully about the message they are going to portray.











Portray, perspective, analytical, cultural.

British Values


The Rule of Law

Individual Liberty

Mutual Respect


In Art we ensure that we are aware of and consider the views and values of others, particularly when working collaboratively. We may take votes and hold discussions when making decisions about our work, and collaborative projects. We look at a wide range of artist year 5 Gaudi architecture to year 8 Dali surrealist and how their work makes us feel.

We understand the school rules and guidelines and recognise their importance in keeping ourselves and our peers safe. During projects and activities, we access our tools and materials making sure we are following class rules. We know and understand the consequences of not following these rules.

In Art, we are given the opportunity to express our individuality through our projects. We are given regular opportunities to make our own decisions and choices in our projects. In year 6 pupils are able to choose a medium that they feel will work best for their collage work. Whilst making our own choices, we also know that there are boundaries and we respect these. In year 7 we look at Artist such as Frida Kahlo and how she expressed herself and beliefs through art.

In the Art classroom we behave in a way that positively impacts the work and productivity of others. When giving feedback, we are constructive and respectful of others’ feelings and viewpoints. We work collaboratively on projects, having respect for our peers’ views and being receptive to the advice of others. In year 7 we complete a project on reflections, Pupils have to create work about themselves, we discuss how everyone opinion is different and we have to respect that.

We also use Art as a creative way to experience a variety of festivals and traditions. We understand people have different views and opinions and that that these make them who they are. We are tolerant to such views and opinions and apply these attitudes when working with those who have different faiths and beliefs. We explore beauty through art and continue to do this within the faiths and beliefs of others. In year 7 we look at the Day of the Dead festival and what colours and animals mean in different cultures. 


In Art, we prepare pupils for a wide range of different careers. We teach pupils a range of different styles of Art for example 3D in year 5 and 6, Architecture in year 5 painting in all years. We regularly refer to different jobs in the different materials areas and areas artist work in. We teach pupils how to express themselves through their art. We have posters and information about careers in the classroom for the pupils to refer to.

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC)





In Art we encourage the pupil’s ability to enquire and communicate their ideas, meanings and feelings. Pupils will investigate visual, tactile and other sensory qualities of their own and others work. We encourage independent thinking that will enable pupils to develop their ideas and intentions and express these in an appropriate manner with a range of images, materials and mediums.


In Art, pupils are encouraged to look at work that will often pose a moral question. The pupil’s outcomes are supported with a rationale or a meaning that will often convey a message. In the year 7 reflection project, pupils add images with hidden meanings that reflect their personality.

In Art, we ensure pupil's work is celebrated throughout the school and is displayed in many areas. Pupils work independently and collaboratively to produce a range of different art work pieces. We use a range of different artists to inspire and show pupils how art brings pupils together in a community and help artists express their own feelings. Pupils discuss and research a range of artists and art work, encouraging and developing communication skills.

Throughout the units of work explored, pupils will develop their knowledge and understanding of artist’s ideas and concepts identifying how meanings are conveyed. Pupils will be exposed to a wide variety of cultures, beliefs and religions. Through their investigations they will research and explore the religious and non-religious beliefs adopted by a variety of cultures from around the world.