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Leighton Middle School

Design Technology


 In Design and Technology, we encourage pupils to learn and think creatively, to solve problems both as individuals and as members of a team this will develop their skills to become independent learners. Our aim is to ensure all pupils love the subject and want to develop their own skills.  At Leighton Middle School, we challenge children to use their creativity and imagination, to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. Using real life problems helps them connect to the project and develops their enrichment skills about the world around them. Evaluation is an integral part of the design process and allows children to adapt and improve their product. This is a key skill which they need throughout their life and will develop their personal excellence and resilience skills. Children are also given opportunities to reflect upon and evaluate past and present design technology, its uses and its effectiveness and are encouraged to become innovators and risk-takers. Knowledge and skills are taught progressively to ensure that all children are able to learn and practice in order to develop as they move through the school. D&T allows children to apply the knowledge and skills learned in other subjects, particularly Maths, Science and Art. Children’s interests are captured through theme learning, ensuring that links are made in a cross curricular way, giving children motivation and meaning for their learning.

By the time pupils leave KS3 we expect them to enjoy the subject, be able to select the correct specialist tool for the job, evaluate existing products and their own to refine their ideas, identify and solve their own design problems thinking about the target market and understanding properties of materials to achieve functioning products.


 Our whole curriculum is shaped by our school vision which aims to enable all children, regardless of background, ability, additional needs, to flourish to become the very best version of themselves they can possibly be. Through a variety of creative and practical activities, we teach the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage in the process of designing and making. Skills and knowledge are built upon year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children. All teaching of DT follows the design, make and evaluate cycle. Each stage is rooted in technical knowledge. While making, children are given choice and a range of tools to choose freely from which encourages them to independently solve problems.

When designing and making, the children are taught to:


  • Use research and develop design criteria to inform the design of innovative, functional, appealing products that are fit for purpose, aimed at particular individuals or groups.
  • Generate, develop, model and communicate their ideas through discussion, annotated sketches, and computer-aided design.


  • Select from and use a wider range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks (for example, cutting, shaping, joining and finishing) accurately.
  • Select from and use a wider range of materials and components, including construction materials and textiles according to their functional properties and aesthetic qualities.


  • Investigate and analyse a range of existing products.
  • Evaluate their ideas and products against their own design criteria and considering the views of others to improve their work.
  • Understand how key events and individuals in design and technology have helped shape the world.


 Children learn how to take risks, becoming resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens. Through the evaluation of past and present design and technology, they develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world. Throughout their learning, students learn how the knowledge and skills gained in this subject could lead to careers in the Art and Design industries. Pupils understand technology is evolving so fast, the jobs they could be doing in the future may not have been invented yet.

We ensure the children:

  • Develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world.
  • Build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make products for a wide range of users. They will critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others.
  • Design and make a range of products.
  • A good quality finish will be expected in all designs and activities will be made appropriate to the age and ability of the child.


Curriculum Overview

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Year 5

Autumn Term:

First Half Term

Autumn Term:

Second Half Term

Spring Term:

First Half Term

Spring Term:

Second Half Term

Summer Term:

First Half Term

Summer Term:

Second Half Term


Pupils will be able to explain the health and safety rules of the classroom.


Pupils will learn what a target market is and why this is important in the design process.


Pupils will learn what a design brief is.


Product analysis: they will be able to analyse good and bad points and an improvement point.



Design: Pupils will learn how to design taking in to account their target market. They will generate at least 2 ideas linked to the design brief and target market. They will make simple suggestions of improvement for their designs. They will annotate all the key parts of their design.



Target market, design, brief, analysis.


Pupils will learn what a pattern is.

Pupils will be able to name basic textile equipment and select the correct equipment for the job. 



Practical: Pupils will learn how to use a pattern.

Pupils will learn how to cut fabric.

Pupils will learn how to hand sew at least two different stitches.



Pattern, fabric, sew.


Pupils will be able to explain what an evaluation is.


They will identify basic tools and materials. They will explain why felt is a good material to use on their pencil case.



Practical: Use basic sewing equipment, tools and materials. Produce a suitable finished product.

Pupils will learn how to use the sewing machine on controlled speed.


Pupils will learn how to evaluate with an improvement point. They will be able to describe the product. Pupils will be able to explain mistakes and problems they have solved.  



Evaluation, needle, pin, unpicker, improvement, equipment.

Swap to FFT

Swap to FFT

Swap to FFT

Year 6


Autumn Term:

First Half Term

Autumn Term:

Second Half Term

Spring Term:

First Half Term

Spring Term:

Second Half Term

Summer Term:

First Half Term

Summer Term:

Second Half Term

Year 6


Pupils will be able to explain why rules and health and safety are important in the DT room.


Pupils will be able understand what sustainable means and how it affects the designer.  Pupils will learn why it is important to design thinking about the environment.



Learn how to pick out key research points from research information.


Pupils develop the drawing skills from y5 and will learn how to draw in 3d.




Sustainability, reuse, rethink, reduce, recycle, refuse, repair, environment.


Product analysis the good/ bad, improvement point, material, size.


Pupils will be able to explain what rendering is.



Pupils will develop the drawing skills from y5 and learn how to render wood and draw in different tones.

Design bug hotel: Pupils will use their design skills from y5 they will develop their own creative ideas and learn how to link to the design brief. Pupils will design 3 different ideas. They will develop their annotation skills and add key features. Pupils will think about sustainability and the 6Rs when designing. They will add detail to their design, including sizes.



Render, vertical, Tenon saw, junior hacksaw, tri square, creative.


Pupils will be able to select the correct tool for the job.


Pupils will be able to explain why evaluation is important inthe design process.


Pupils will be able to understand how to identify hazards and how to use different hand tools.



Make: Pupils will develop measuring skills.

Pupils will learn how to use hand tools with confidence and safely.

Pupils will be able to understand how to plan out basic steps of the making process.


Evaluate: Pupils will learn how to adapt plans if a problem occurs. They will identify strengths and weakness and justify with improvement points. Pupils will explain ways to improve thinking about sustainability. Presentation of work will be thought about, some joined up letters, key words spelt correctly.



Tenon saw, junior hacksaw, tri square, hazard, justify.

Swap to FFT

Swap to FFT


Year 7


Autumn Term:

First Half Term

Autumn Term:

Second Half Term

Spring Term:

First Half Term

Spring Term:

Second Half Term

Summer Term:

First Half Term

Summer Term:

Second Half Term

Year 7


Pupils will be able to clearly explain the expectations of the DT room and follow them.


Pupils will be able to identify different drawing techniques.



Technical drawing skills:  Pupils will be able to draw in isometric. Pupils will learn how to draw curved 3d shapes. Pupils will develop their one point perspective skills from y6, orthographic, rendering.



Orthographic, perspective, isometric.


Product analysis: pupils will be able to explain the good/ bad, improvement point, materials, graphics, function, theme, target market.

Pupils will be able to identify different fonts and explain when they would be used.


They will understand the process of design and how to improve designs using the iterative process.



Design pop up cards: Pupils will be able to explain properties of materials and why they have chosen them for the design. They will be able to describe strengths and weaknesses of their design in detail. With help they can identify and solve their own design problems.



Graphics, theme, function, fonts, Serif, Sans serif.


Pupils will be able to select the correct material/ tools and explain why they have chosen it.

They will be able to explain why scoring is an important part of the process.



Practical pop up card: Pupils will use a range of materials card, tissue paper, felt, colouring pencil, felt tips to finish their design to a high standard.

Pupils will demonstrate how to score accurately. They will render their design all in the same direction to a high quality. 

Pupils will use fonts that they have designed considering the theme. Pupils will complete a functional, working product. They will be able to identify errors in their design and ask for help to solve them. 


Evaluation: Pupils will have thought about presentation, neat handwriting with joined up letters. They will explain how they have developed skills in detail. They will show use of descriptive key words.



Net, tabs, accuracy, quality control.


Pupils will understand the benefits of CAD and CAM in the design industry.


They will explain how CAD has improved the design industry.


Pupils will be able to identify the risks of using the laser cutter.



Practical key ring: Using the laser cutter, using 2D design software, materials

Pupils will demonstrate how to use the workspace and the tools bars.

They will demonstrate how to vectorise an image.

They will be able to use the path tool to follow lines. 

Pupils will demonstrate how to use the text tool, fill tool, background tool, grid and step lock.



Laser cutter, vectorise.


Pupils will understand different pattern markings.


Pupils will understand how to work with design constraints.



Practical soft toy: Pupils will develop cutting skills by cutting a range of different fabric and more complicated shapes. They will develop using patterns, reading instructions independently to create a soft toy.



Grain line, quality control, seam allowance.


Pupils will be able to explain some fabric materials properties and how the properties suit their design.



Practical soft toy: Pupils will develop hand sewing skills from year 5 to tack together soft toy. They will develop Y5 sewing machine skills to sew more complicated shapes.


Evaluation: Pupils will explain how they could test their product to ensure its quality. They will explain how they have developed skills in detail and use descriptive key words.




Tacking, quantity, properties.

Year 8


Autumn Term:

First Half Term

Autumn Term:

Second Half Term

Spring Term:

First Half Term

Spring Term:

Second Half Term

Summer Term:

First Half Term

Summer Term:

Second Half Term

Year 8


Product analysis using ACCESS FM Aesthetics, cost, customer, ergonomics, size, safety, function, materials. Pupils will use this analysis to inform their design.


Pupils will be able to explain why it is important to think about ergonomics in the design process.



Pupils will be able to use powerpoint to create a mood board for their client.



Aesthetics, function, cost, ergonomics, mood board.


Pupils will be able to teach others and identify risks in the classroom and explain the precautions to stop them happening.


They will explain the difference between soft wood and hard wood. They will name a wood and some of its properties.

They will name the tools and identify which tool is needed for the correct job.



Practical: Pupils will develop their skills and practice how to use the tools safely. Pupils will learn how to use wood work equipment to make a finger joint.

Pupils will learn how to use the pillar drill safely.



Pillar drill, precaution, risk assessment, soft wood, hard wood.


Pupils will be able to explain the difference between thermosets and thermoforming plastics.



Design: They will develop rendering skills for year 7. Pupils will develop 3d drawing isometric from year 7 to draw their design accurately in 3d. They will evaluate their ideas and with help think of way to improve to match the brief, considering the views of the client.

They will explain the environmental and social impacts of their design. They can identify and solve their own design problems independently.



Social impacts, moral impacts, thermoforming, thermosetting.


Pupils will be able to name the different equipment for wood work and what it is used for.



Practical make a sweet dispenser: Pupils will develop knowledge from year 6 for the basic wood work tools and add new tools. Tenon saw, coping saw, line bender, pillar drill, marking gauge. They will develop their marking skills. Pupils will be able to independently use the tools.

They will develop their communication skills and follow instructions.

Pupils will develop their measuring skills.

They will develop their finishing skills to produce a good quality product.


Evaluation: Identify strengths, weakness and ways to improve. Critically evaluate in detail. Use the test results and redesign your product to improve it.



Marking gauge, tri square.


Pupils will understand what a 3d printer is and how it has changed the design world.

They will know what the software Tinker CAD is and identify tools and explain what they are used for.



Practical: how to use 3d software: Pupils will use knowledge from using 2d design in year 7 to help with hand coordination and using the mouse, short cuts/ some tools. They will be able to demonstrate how to use Tinker CAD.



Tinker CAD, align, extrude, axis.


Pupils will understand how the 3d printer works to be able to design a working project.


They will understand what the design specification is.


Pupils will be able to use the 3d printer safely.



Practical: design and make a keyring using the 3d printer:

Pupils will design a functional keyring that can be printed in the 3d printer.

They will use the tools on tinker CAD to design a working keyring.

They will use the 3d printer to print the key ring.



Specification, PLA.

British Values


The Rule of Law

Individual Liberty

Tolerance and Respect

In Design and Technology we develop an understanding of the importance of safety rules of the DT room, the use of a range of dangerous equipment. We help pupils recognise, understand and accept that if these rules are not followed that there are consequences to this. We clearly explain why tools are counted in and out.  In graphics, year 7, we talk about copy right and why you cannot copy the ideas of others.

In Design and Technology we provide opportunities to take turns using the tools and sharing the workspace with others. Helping pupils to recognise and understand that it is not always possible or right to have their own way. The value of compromise for example, when designing for a target market. 

In Design and Technology we understand that they are able to listen to others but can still use their own ideas and design choices when making their pencil case.  In product analysis, accept that others ideas may not be the same as their own but are able to accept this.

In Design and Technology we tolerate ideas from others that are different to our own. We give the opportunity for peer feedback, listen and consider the ideas and opinions of others even if they differ from our own. We offer supportive comments in evaluations that will improve learning outcomes in a way that is objective but sensitive to the listener.



In Design and Technology, we prepare pupils for a wide range of different careers. We teach pupils about the latest technology and show videos to help them understand the world of design. We use the software to design and manufacture for example, the 3D printer and laser cutter to inspire pupils and help them to understand how technology is transforming the industry. We regularly refer to different jobs in the different material areas we work in. We teach pupils the basic principles of using hand tools and try to encourage independent thinking and problem solving to prepare pupils for the design world.  

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC)





Spiritual development is of a very high importance in Design & Technology. The process of creative thinking and innovation inspires students to bring out undiscovered talents, which in turn breeds a self-confidence and belief in their abilities. It also challenges and appeals to the creative instincts that have driven humanity to discover, adapt and overcome. 

In Design & Technology we seek to develop a sense of ‘moral conscience’ in our pupils, through focusing upon the moral dilemmas raised in designing and making new products. Pupils are taught about the moral choices facing designers and manufacturers when deciding on materials. In year 6, pupils use the six “R’s” of sustainability to under and apply ways of conserving the earth’s resources. Thinking about the environment while designing is a social decision as everyone has to live in the environment.

Designing for a group of people making sure it is suitable for a wide range, thinking of cultures. Social and cultural design, making sure it does not offend cultures and different groups of people. Collaborative work in design and technology develops mutual respect for the differing opinions, beliefs and abilities of others. We seek to expand pupil’s knowledge of other cultures influences on design and manufacture and how other countries have an impact on the designing and making of products that we use.

Students also explore how products contribute to lifestyle and consumer choices, understanding how products evolve according to users’ and designers’ needs, beliefs, ethics and values. We teach the pupils high expectations of behaviour and rules of working with dangerous tools. In year 8, pupils write their own risk assessments for larger tools so they are clear on the H&S implications. This establishes and maintains a safe and secure learning environment. We place an emphasis on developing the ability to work with others and to accept each other’s unique personality. We encourage effective conversations about the work we do through self and peer evaluation, and to give and accept constructive criticism as a vehicle to improve pupil learning outcomes.