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Leighton Middle School

Food Technology


 The intent of our food technology curriculum is to apply the principles of nutrition and healthy eating, instilling a love of cooking in all pupils. Learning how to cook is a crucial life skill for pupils now and in later life. Throughout their time at school, we aim to encourage independent learning through practical participation. The department ensures that our students have a wider understanding of environmental impacts on our choice of foods and why there should be more encouragement to buy in season.

We aim to provide all pupils with the ability to cook a range of nutritious dishes from ingredients that are easily sourced and budget friendly. We encourage pupils to try new food from different cultures to enrich their knowledge and encourage them to try new foods. Pupils learn how to cook safety and know how to ensure high standard of personal hygiene throughout every practical lesson.

We use evaluations to encourage pupils to strive for personal excellence and challenge themselves to improve on their practice. We ensure pupils use the correct terminology for the equipment and demonstrate the safe use of them. Skills and knowledge is taught in a spiral curriculum to teach new skills, building on prior knowledge and developing skills they have already learnt.


 The spiral curriculum is built around essential knowledge, understanding and key skills. These are broken into year group expectations and show clear continuity and progress by learning new and revisiting key skills to develop confidence and independence in the kitchen. Pupils are taught by specialist teachers who instil a passion for the subject.

While making, children will be given choice and a range of equipment to choose freely from. This is to develop problem solving and independence. When evaluating, children should be able to evaluate their own dish and give improvement points to develop upon. As pupils develop skills and knowledge they are encouraged to adapt and change recipes to suit their own and other dietary needs.


 By the end of their journey at LMS, students will have developed knowledge and practical skills. Pupils will be able to explain how to make and cook safely, hygienically and how to choose healthy balanced meals. Pupils will be able to critique and evaluate their own dishes and the work of others. This will be evident in their classroom books and also the meals they prepare in the kitchen. The students will have developed and built up resilience, by regularly challenging themselves both in and out of the classroom.

As a result of high-quality provision, children make good progress, building knowledge and skills as they move through school. They develop an enthusiasm for food technology, build resilience and gain satisfaction from creating their own dishes. Children produce high quality outcomes and are well prepared for their next stage in their food technology education.

Curriculum Overview

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Year 5


Autumn Term:

First Half Term

Autumn Term:

Second Half Term

Spring Term:

First Half Term

Spring Term:

Second Half Term

Summer Term:

First Half Term

Summer Term:

Second Half Term

Year 5


Pupils will learn about:

Health and safety in the food room.

Personal hygiene skills to produce food and avoid illness.


They will investigate bread tasting from different cultures. 



Spread the butter evenly.

Presentation of the sandwich.

Balanced sandwich.

Cutting the ingredients.

They will learn how to use the room safely and hygienically.


Hygiene, cultures, ingredients, balanced, carbohydrates.


Pupils will:

Understand how to have a balanced diet and why it is important for their future health.

Understand why the Eat Well Guide is important and most people should follow it.


Understand what equipment is called and which one to choose depending on the job needed.

How to weigh and measure and why is it important for it to be accurate.



Weigh out the ingredients.

Measure. Chop with a butter knife.

Melt using the microwave.

Mix, stir and combine evenly.


Weigh, measure, scales, vegetables.


Pupils will:

Be able to understand that food is needed to provide energy for the body.


Evaluate: Pupils will be able to use their senses, taste, touch, appearance, smell to describe the dish. They will be able to identify the good and bad points of the dish.



Pupils will learn how to use the microwave and the safety behind it.

Weigh out the ingredients.

Measure. Chop with a butter knife. Spread the butter evenly.  Crack eggs. Mix, stir and combine. Bake in the oven.


Combine, senses, taste, touch, appearance, smell.

Swap to DT

Swap to DT

Swap to DT

Year 6


Autumn Term:

First Half Term

Autumn Term:

Second Half Term

Spring Term:

First Half Term

Spring Term:

Second Half Term

Summer Term:

First Half Term

Summer Term:

Second Half Term

Year 6


Pupils will learn about:


How food is stored and why.

Develop health and hygiene cross contamination.


Fruit tasting, trying new fruits develop sensory analysis.

Pupils will develop practical skills and use a range of new equipment.


Pupils will be able to independently use the Eat Well Guide to plan a balanced meal. 



Fruit salad: Bridge and claw cut

Measure ingredients.

Cut and slice. Using bridge and claw. Core the apple.

Remove the stone or skin of fruits.



Core, sensory analysis.


Pupils will:


Be able to explain why it is important to only have a small proportion of oils and spreads in our diets. 


Pupils will plan a product or dish for a certain season using the correct ingredients.

They will understand what food miles are and the benefits/ problems from food traveling.


Evaluation: Pupils will be able to identify skills they have used. Good and bad points. They will be able to use descriptive words to describe the dish.



Pizza toast: Weigh and measure ingredients. Slice ingredients to the correct size.  Grate the cheese. Spread the sauce. Grill the toast safely.

Pasta salad: Drain the pasta using a colander, Use the hob safely,

Chop using bridge and claw.

Weigh and measure ingredients.

Vocabulary: proportion, season, food miles.


Pupils will:


 Understand and apply the principles of a healthy and varied diet.


They will be able to explain where and how a variety of ingredients are grown, reared, caught and processed.


Evaluation: Pupils will be able to identify strengths and weaknesses and explain ways to improve. They will be able to explain what they would serve with this dish, and why.



Apple crumble: Weigh and measure ingredients. Core the apple. Cut and slice evenly. Rub in method. Mix and stir. Bake.


Vocabulary: grown, reared, caught and processed, varied diet.

Swap to DT

Swap to DT

Swap to DT

Year 7


Autumn Term:

First Half Term

Autumn Term:

Second Half Term

Spring Term:

First Half Term

Spring Term:

Second Half Term

Summer Term:

First Half Term

Summer Term:

Second Half Term

Year 7


Pupils will:


Be able to explain what is meant by a healthy, balanced diet and can explain how to prevent different types of illnesses.


Evaluation: They will include opinions of others. Work includes sensory analysis including at least 4 senses. Spelling key words. They will have considered the Eat Well Guide.



Tomato soup: Weigh and Measure ingredients. Peel ingredients.

Slice into batons, trim each end and cut in to small cubes. Use bridge and clawStir without it sticking to the pan. Simmer the soup once all ingredients are added. and boil at the start. Blend using a blender.




Simmer, batons, blend, prevent, opinions.


Pupils will:


Be able to use nutritional analysis software to adapt recipes to make them healthier.

They will explain at least three different nutrients and why they are important in their diet.



Macaroni cheese: Weigh and Measure ingredients. Boil and Simmer focusing on two pans without burning. Drain pasta making sure it is cooked correctly. Grate cheese. Slice. Stir in the sauce evenly. Decorate and garnish, present the dish. Grill.



Diet, nutrients, carbohydrates, protein.


Pupils will:


Understand and explain the four c’s.


Will be able to identify they difference between good and bad fats. Understand why fat is important in our diet.

They will be able to identify why protein is important in our diet.



Soda bread: Weigh and Measure ingredients. Mix, stir, combine, Knead the dough. Form and shape the dough., Bake, Sift the flour to ensure it doesn’t have any lumps and cooks evenly.

Cheese straws: Weigh and Measure ingredients. Rub in method. Grate. Mix the ingredients evenly. Roll out to the same width to ensure even cooking. Trim and cut making an even rectangle. Bake.



Knead, rubbing in method, protein, fat, cross contamination, cleaning, cooking, chilling.


Pupils will:


Be able to understand and read the traffic light label system so when they are shopping they can make the right choices.


Pupils will learn about different vitamins and how they help your body.

They will be able to explain why carbohydrates are needed in the diet.



Spring rolls: Weigh and Measure ingredients. Peel vegetables. Dice and chop small cube vegetables. Trim and grate. Divide ingredients evenly. fold the pastry. Glaze, Bake.




Pastry, divide.


Pupils will:


Cook a range of savory dishes and understand how to provide themselves with a healthy diet.


Understand that the food we eat has to be grown (fruits and vegetables), reared (meat) and caught (fish and seafood).







Pupils will:


Identify suitable ingredients for both sweet and savory dishes and explain the difference. 

They can explain detailed reasons for choosing specific ingredients, and use sensory words to describe colour, flavour and texture.


Evaluation: They will use descriptive key words and explain how they have developed skills in detail. They will show detailed sensory analysis with an explanation of how to improve it. Pupils will explain how they could adapt the recipe to make it healthy.



Scones: Weigh and Measure ingredients. Rub in method, Dice and chop, Form and shape fold. Bake.



Specific, savoury.

Year 8


Autumn Term:

First Half Term

Autumn Term:

Second Half Term

Spring Term:

First Half Term

Spring Term:

Second Half Term

Summer Term:

First Half Term

Summer Term:

Second Half Term

Year 8


Pupils will:


Learn how to explain links between the key nutrients and a range of health issues.


Explain the key principles of food safety (storing and cooking food correctly, preventing cross contamination etc.)


Understand how to use the Eat Well Plate. They will know the function and source of nutrients. They will learn about carbohydrates simple(sugars) and complex (starchy).



Ratatouille: Weigh and Measure ingredients. Peel ingredients. Chop, dice and slice thinking about the size of the ingredients. Crush the garlic. Fry safely. Boil and simmer.



simple(sugars) and complex (starchy), preventing.


Pupils will:


Learn what the 8 healthy guidelines for healthy eating.


Learn the four main cake making methods and the functions of cake ingredients.


Evaluation: Pupils will be able to identify strengths, weaknesses. They will evaluate their dish with clear improvement points and evaluate the nutritional value in detail.



Spinach and chickpea curry: Weigh and Measure ingredients. Peel ingredients. Slice. Crush. Dice the vegetable to correct size. Drain. Fry safely. Stir to make sure it does not stick. Simmer.

Christmas cake: Weigh and Measure Lining a tin.

Following a recipe.

Working as a team.

Presentation, icing the cake.


Function, guidelines, nutritional.


Pupils will:


Understand the importance of temperature control.


Examine the role of protein in the diet and evaluate the effects of excess and deficiency on the body.



Chicken curry: Weigh and Measure ingredients. Slice the vegetables using bridge and claw.  Crush the garlic. Fry meat. Stir. Simmer. Preparing raw meat.



Examine, excess, deficiency.


Pupils will:


Understand how to cook meat safely using the correct equipment.

Understand what is meant by cross contamination.


Be able to define energy and energy balance and explain why energy is needed.


Be able to define the two different groups of vitamins and why the bodies need them. They will be able to adapt a recipe using their knowledge of nutrients.



Marble tray bake: Weigh and Measure ingredients. Core fruit. Chop using bridge and claw. Cream ingredients. Beat. Sift. Fold the flour in. Stir. Bake.



Energy balance, nutrients.


Pupils will:


Understand the source, seasonality and characteristics of a broad range of ingredients.


Understand the risks of a deficiency in vitamins and minerals.

Understand that different target markets have different dietary needs, it is not a one model fits all.


Understand the legal and voluntary information on food labels and understand how to read Traffic Light Labels.



Cheese and onion triangles: Weigh and Measure ingredients. Sift flour. Grate. Peel ingredients. Slice.  Mix, stir and combine. Rub in. Roll out. Form and shape.



Voluntary, legal, minerals, characteristics, seasonality.


Pupils will:


Learn how to redesign a dish for a dietary need.

Evaluation: Pupils will identify strengths and weaknesses. They will critically evaluate their dish with clear improvement points. Pupils will evaluate the nutritional value in detail for the dietary need.


Complete an enterprise project in groups. Pupils work together to make a business plan to sell a food product. The look at Allergies, hygiene and safety, advertising and profit and loss.



Pupils will cook a dish of their choice using all the skills they have learnt throughout their time at LMS.

They will adapt the recipe to suit their dietary needs. They will follow the method independently.


Diabetic, gluten, intolerant, celiac.

British Values

The Rule of Law

Individual Liberty


In Food Technology we give pupils the basic knowledge of health, hygiene and safety which are then relied upon to use that knowledge in their lessons to ensure they are safe in our environment. These rules can be used in the outside world when they are cooking at home.  We give expectations for behaviour in every lesson.

In Design and Technology we understand that they are able to listen to others but can still use their own ideas and design choices when making their pencil case.  In product analysis, accept that others ideas may not be the same as their own but are able to accept this.

 In Food Technology this is well developed through looking at foods from other cultures e.g. potato and chickpea curry. We look at different faiths and beliefs and varying dietary needs e.g. vegetarians, cultural diets, missing meat etc, allergies. 



 In Food Technology we teach the pupils how to be prepared for careers in the subject. From Year 5 we teach the pupils how to work in a professional setting with hygiene, health and safety rules. We talk to them about different careers they can do linked to the subject for example: food taster, chef, head chef, waitress, quality assurance manager, nutritionist, nutritional therapist, health and safety inspector, food designer

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC)





In Food Technology we provide pupils with the opportunity to participate in making and evaluating food from other countries learning about others from the world around them. E.g. bread tasting. Pupils are encouraged to recognise and respect cultural and social differences of other pupils within food lessons.

In Food Technology pupils reflect on the ethical issues around food such as food miles and sustainability. In year 6, pupils design a pizza using food in season to reduce food miles. Opportunities are provided to appreciate the views of others. Lessons and extra-curricular activities are offered so that pupils have enjoyment and a fascination to learn about the food they eat. Reflecting on the ethical issues around food such as price, income and fair trade. Opportunities are provided to appreciate the views of others. Promoting participation and teamwork in practical cooking lessons – encouraging pupils to work co-operatively. By developing individual skills, confidence, independence and creativity through practical cooking lessons. Pupils learn and make decisions about food safety and hygiene.

In Food Technology pupils the pupils are taught effective communication through collaborative learning, both during theory and practical lessons – this includes both peers and adults – and are encouraged to have positive interactions with one another. pupils peer and self-assess work, constructive feedback is taught. pupils are encouraged to consider the social responsibility of the food industry including food choice, issues surrounding food and packaging, as well as wastage. In year 8 pupils look at different needs and how we need to be inclusive and design and adapt recipes for certain diets. 

In Food Technology pupils are encouraged to recognise and respect the cultural and social differences of other pupils. Pupils learn about Government guidance given on healthy eating and the concern for the health of the British population (Eatwell Guide). Pupils learn how different cultures have different dietary needs depending what the can or cannot eat. E.g. no pork. Pupils learn to cook a variety of recipes including traditional British foods and world foods. In year 8, the pupils make spinach and chick pea curry.