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Leighton Middle School





In our French department, we believe that learning a foreign language is a necessary part of being a member of a multi-cultural society and that it provides an opening to other cultures.

There are so many personal, social and careers benefits in being able to communicate confidently in another language that every child in our school should have the chance to develop their own foreign language learning strategies, knowledge and skills.

A high-quality languages education should foster children’s curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world.

So, in Leighton Middle school, we aim to ensure that we offer a broad, vibrant and ambitious French curriculum that will inspire and excite our pupils, developing their personal excellence and resilience skills. We use a wide variety of topics and themes that often relate to other areas of the curriculum, whilst continuously building on what pupils have previously learnt.


All pupils are taught the four essential key skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing and each of these skill areas are practised, consolidated, reinforced and assessed on a regular basis.

Our pupils acquire, use and apply a growing bank of vocabulary, language skills and strategies as well as a sound grammatical knowledge organised around numerous topics and themes. Lessons offering appropriate level of challenge are taught at all times to ensure pupils learn effectively, building on their previous knowledge while developing their independent skills with a growing willingness to take risks, becoming effective independent learners.

Our pupils learn through active participation in actions, rhymes, songs, a wide variety of texts and stories, grammar focus, sentence structure activities, video clips, research, dictionary work and many other creative ways to extend, embed and combine language skills.

There are plenty of opportunities for enrichment and growth, with a taste of performance drama, and introduction to new languages.


The highly effective French lessons, with pace and challenge, have often been praised in lesson observations and learning walks, by both internal and external observers.

High levels of engagement and obvious enjoyment from the pupils have also been mentioned on many occasions.

As a result, pupils are driven to make progress, showing a genuine determination and a willingness to work collaboratively and take risks.

By the end of Year 8, our pupils will:

  • initiate and develop conversations as well as discuss matters of personal or topical interest
  • use intonation to convey messages, with a generally good pronunciation
  • readily use context and knowledge of grammar to work out the meaning of unfamiliar language
  • identify and note specific detail in a range of written texts and spoken passages, covering a range of both imaginative and factual material
  • edit and redraft their work, using reference sources to continue to improve their accuracy, precision and variety of expression

On-going observation of in class activities like pair-work, role-plays, listening or reading comprehension tasks, coupled with immediate feedback from teachers, help us to monitor their understanding and acquisition of skills so that we can support and challenge them at every stage of their progress.

As a result, pupils confidently review their own progress and set themselves goals with success criteria for their development and work.

Moreover, our pupils take pride in their work, develop excellent collaborative skills with constructive support and show an openness to try out new alternatives, using higher skills, much needed as they continue on their language learning journey.

Curriculum Overview

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Year 5


Autumn Term:

First Half Term

Autumn Term:

Second Half Term

Spring Term:

First Half Term

Spring Term:

Second Half Term

Summer Term:

First Half Term

Summer Term:

Second Half Term

Year 5


Saying hello/goodbye

Introducing yourself/asking for someone’s name

Asking someone how he/she is and saying how you are

Spelling names and words using the French alphabet



Develop techniques for memorising words, phrases and spellings

Use their knowledge of English or another language when learning the target language

Start using correct pronunciation and intonation

Initiate and sustain conversations

Make links with English at word and sentence level






Counting up to 30

Using numbers in different contexts

Saying how old you are and asking someone’s age

Telling the date (days of the week and months of the year)

Saying when your birthday is



Develop techniques for memorising words, phrases and spellings

Use their knowledge of English or another language when learning the target language

Start using correct pronunciation and intonation

Initiate and sustain conversations

Make links with English at word and sentence level

Start recognising that there are different ways to see the world





Talking about school objects and describing your school bag/pencil case

Saying which activities/hobbies/food I like and dislike, using opinion verbs

Talking about my favourite hobbies

Asking someone about their likes and dislikes



Initiate and sustain conversations

Identify patterns in the target language and manipulate the language

 Use their knowledge of English or another language when learning the target language

Use previous knowledge and/or other clues to work out the meaning of what they hear or read





Learning a small variety of adjectives, including colour adjectives

Learning the names of common household pets

Describing my pet

Asking someone about their pet/pets



Initiate and sustain conversations

Identify patterns in the target language and manipulate the language

 Use their knowledge of English or another language when learning the target language

Use previous knowledge and/or other clues to work out the meaning of what they hear or read

Start applying grammar in sentences

Start using reference materials such as bilingual dictionaries when appropriate





Talking about my close family

Describing members of my family

Designing a family tree



Initiate and sustain conversations

Start skimming and scanning written material for information

Compare their own experiences and perspectives with other people in the class/people in other countries




Visiting cafes in France

Ordering food typically served in cafes

Understanding the Euro currency and prices in Euros



Initiate and sustain conversations

Start skimming and scanning written material for information

Compare their own experiences and perspectives with other people in the class/people in other countries

Re use language that they have heard or read in their own speaking

Use their knowledge related to other areas of the curriculum when/where appropriate



Year 6


Autumn Term:

First Half Term

Autumn Term:

Second Half Term

Spring Term:

First Half Term

Spring Term:

Second Half Term

Summer Term:

First Half Term

Summer Term:

Second Half Term

Year 6


Talking about my likes and dislikes using opinion verbs

Using longer structures to express my opinion, giving reasons

Conducting surveys, asking people for their opinions



Continue to develop techniques for memorising words, phrases and spellings

Use their knowledge of English or another language when learning the target language

Continue to use correct pronunciation and intonation

Initiate and sustain conversations on a more regular basis and in different contexts

Start writing longer sentences in the target language, using linking words and intensifiers




Describing my physical appearance as well as my qualities and downfalls

(Describing hair and eyes/describing height/ describing my and other people’s personality)

Describing a celebrity of my choice



Continue to develop techniques for memorising words, phrases and spellings

Use their knowledge of English or another language when learning the target language

Continue to use correct pronunciation and intonation

Initiate and sustain conversations on a more regular basis and in different contexts

Start writing longer sentences in the target language, using linking words and intensifiers

Develop a better awareness of grammatical rules to apply in the target language

Make links with English at word and sentence level

Conduct research for small presentations




Continuing descriptions:

 describing singers and musicians in more detail

Describing my everyday activities, using common verbs

Comparing people’s everyday activities and routines



Use their knowledge of English or another language when learning the target language

Continue to use correct pronunciation and intonation

Initiate and sustain conversations on a more regular basis and in different contexts

Develop a better awareness of grammatical rules to apply in the target language

Start writing short paragraphs, using key structures accurately




Learning about other French speaking countries

Comparing France and French speaking countries way of life, depending on geographical features



Initiate and sustain conversations on a more regular basis and in different contexts

Develop a better awareness of grammatical rules to apply in the target language

Develop reading skills, using previous knowledge and context to work out the meaning of new words

Compare their own experiences and perspectives with people in other countries

Use their knowledge related to other areas of the curriculum when/where appropriate





Learning about school subjects

Expressing my likes and dislikes about school subjects, using a variety of opinions and reasons

Conducting conversations about school subjects, agreeing and disagreeing



Continue to use correct pronunciation and intonation

Initiate and sustain conversations on a more regular basis and in different contexts

Apply new linguistic knowledge to communicate effectively

Start using intonation to convey their message

Continue to skim and scan written material for information

Compare their own experiences and perspectives with people in other countries




Giving and asking for the time

Describing my timetable at school

Talking about food and menus at school

Comparing the French and English education system



Initiate and sustain conversations on a more regular basis and in different contexts

Apply new linguistic knowledge to communicate effectively

Using intonation to convey their message

Start applying a variety of reading strategies when reading for information

Compare their own experiences and perspectives with people in other countries



Year 7


Autumn Term:

First Half Term

Autumn Term:

Second Half Term

Spring Term:

First Half Term

Spring Term:

Second Half Term

Summer Term:

First Half Term

Summer Term:

Second Half Term

Year 7


Past times:

Talking about your use of computers and mobile phones

Talking about sports and the sports/activities you practise

Asking and recording other people’s past times



Use a range of techniques for memorising words, phrases and spellings

Use their knowledge of English or another language when learning the target language

Develop confidence in using correct pronunciation and intonation

Make links with English at word and sentence level

Initiate and sustain conversations on a regular basis and in different contexts

Write longer sentences in the target language, using linking words, intensifiers and a variety of details

Use their growing knowledge of grammatical rules to improve the accuracy of their speaking/writing

Continue to develop reading skills, using previous knowledge and context to work out the meaning of new words



Saying what you like doing in your spare time, using more complex structures

Adding a range of detail to your sentences (when? where? who with? opinion?)

Describe what other people do in their spare time



Use a range of techniques for memorising words, phrases and spellings

Use their knowledge of English or another language when learning the target language

Develop confidence in using correct pronunciation and intonation

Make links with English at word and sentence level

Initiate and sustain conversations on a regular basis and in different contexts

Write longer sentences in the target language, using linking words, intensifiers and a variety of details

Use their growing knowledge of grammatical rules to improve the accuracy of their speaking/writing

Continue to develop reading skills, using previous knowledge and context to work out the meaning of new words


Your town and surroundings:

Describing amenities in towns and villages

Comparing French and English towns

Talking about regional differences in France



Continue to develop confidence in using correct pronunciation and intonation

Use their growing knowledge of grammatical rules to improve the accuracy of their speaking/writing

Continue to develop reading skills, using previous knowledge and context to work out the meaning of new words

Compare their own experiences and perspectives with people in other countries





Giving your opinion about your town/village

Giving reasons for your opinion

Asking other people what they think about their town

Asking and giving directions

Conducting surveys/analysing graphs about places people visit in their town

Asking people out: accepting and refusing invitations



Initiate and sustain conversations on a regular basis and in different contexts

Continue to develop confidence in using correct pronunciation and intonation

Continue to develop reading skills, using previous knowledge and context to work out the meaning of new words




Going on holiday:

Understanding countries’ names and holiday locations

Talking about touristic areas of France

Describing where you usually go on holiday

Talking about what you usually do on holiday



Use their knowledge of English or another language when learning the target language

Use correct pronunciation and intonation on a more regular basis

 Make links with English at word and sentence level

Initiate and sustain conversations on a regular basis and in different contexts

Compare their own experiences and perspectives with those of people in countries where the target language is spoken




Visiting cafes and restaurants in France:

Understanding menus

Ordering food and drink

Using the Euro currency and high numbers

Comparing the Pound and Euro currencies

Talking about your next holiday plan, using the near future tense and ‘je voudrais’ to express wishes for the future.



Use their knowledge of English or another language when learning the target language

Use correct pronunciation and intonation on a more regular basis

Make links with English at word and sentence level

Initiate and sustain conversations on a regular basis and in different contexts

Compare their own experiences and perspectives with those of people in countries where the target language is spoken

Adapt language they already know in new contexts for new purposes

Start showing comprehension of different types of writing styles, understanding their purpose as well as the main ideas and some detail


Year 8


Autumn Term:

First Half Term

Autumn Term:

Second Half Term

Spring Term:

First Half Term

Spring Term:

Second Half Term

Summer Term:

First Half Term

Summer Term:

Second Half Term

Year 8


Understanding the content and purpose of a poem

Using intonation and emphasis to read poems aloud

Discussing features of poems

Looking at poems critically

Reading from a variety of high-level written material to extract information about animals of the world

Planning and completing a project about a chosen animal



 Use a wide range of techniques for memorising words, phrases and spellings

Use their knowledge of English or another language when learning the target language

 Make links with English at word and sentence level

 Use correct pronunciation and intonation to convey messages

Initiate and develop conversations, starting to cope with unfamiliar language and unexpected responses

 Write paragraphs in the target language, using an increasing wide range of grammar and vocabulary to express their own ideas and opinions

Use their knowledge of grammatical rule to improve the accuracy of their speaking/writing

 Provide an accurate English translation of short, suitable material

Redraft their writing on a regular basis to improve quality

Read literary texts to stimulate ideas, develop creative expression and expand understanding of the language and culture




Talking about different types of TV programs and films

Comparing French and English TV

Expressing your opinion and giving reasons for your opinions

Agreeing and disagreeing

Understanding reviews of TV programs and films

Writing and translating reviews



Use a wide range of techniques for memorising words, phrases and spellings

Use their knowledge of English or another language when learning the target language

 Make links with English at word and sentence level

 Use correct pronunciation and intonation to convey messages

Initiate and develop conversations, starting to cope with unfamiliar language and unexpected responses

 Write paragraphs in the target language, using an increasing wide range of grammar and vocabulary to express their own ideas and opinions

Use their knowledge of grammatical rule to improve the accuracy of their speaking/writing

 Provide an accurate English translation of short, suitable material

Redraft their writing on a regular basis to improve quality

Read more authentic material to continue to improve their cultural awareness

 Read and show comprehension of different types of writing styles, understanding their purpose as well as the main ideas and some detail





Talking about what you did on a visit to Paris

Recognising and using the past structure in French

Understanding and recognising past tense irregular verbs.

Understanding information about tourist attractions

Expressing your opinion and giving reasons for your opinion

Conducting interviews using a variety of questions about past events



Use a wide range of techniques for memorising words, phrases and spellings

Use their knowledge of English or another language when learning the target language

 Make links with English at word and sentence level

 Use correct pronunciation and intonation to convey messages

Initiate and develop conversations, starting to cope with unfamiliar language and unexpected responses

 Write paragraphs in the target language, using an increasing wide range of grammar and vocabulary to express their own ideas and opinions

Use their knowledge of grammatical rule to improve the accuracy of their speaking/writing

Redraft their writing on a regular basis to improve quality

Read more authentic material to continue to improve their cultural awareness

 Read and show comprehension of different types of writing styles, understanding their purpose as well as the main ideas and some detail





Talking about your personality describing your qualities and drawbacks

Describing your best friend’s personality

Listening to and conducting interviews

Talking about your relationship with your family and friends



Use a wide range of techniques for memorising words, phrases and spellings

Use their knowledge of English or another language when learning the target language

 Make links with English at word and sentence level

Use correct pronunciation and intonation to convey messages

Initiate and develop conversations, starting to cope with unfamiliar language and unexpected responses

Write paragraphs in the target language, using an increasing wide range of grammar and vocabulary to express their own ideas and opinions

Use their knowledge of grammatical rule to improve the accuracy of their speaking/writing

Redraft their writing on a regular basis to improve quality

Read more authentic material to continue to improve their cultural awareness

 Read and show comprehension of different types of writing styles, understanding their purpose as well as the main ideas and some detail

Use voice control and purposeful intonation to suit purpose and audience

Start recognising attitudes and emotions in a variety of spoken or written passages




Planning a presentation about yourself, including a range of information, using different tenses in French



Use a wide range of techniques for memorising words, phrases and spellings

Use their knowledge of English or another language when learning the target language

 Make links with English at word and sentence level

Use correct pronunciation and intonation to convey messages

Initiate and develop conversations, starting to cope with unfamiliar language and unexpected responses

 Write paragraphs in the target language, using an increasing wide range of grammar and vocabulary to express their own ideas and opinions

Use their knowledge of grammatical rule to improve the accuracy of their speaking/writing

Redraft their writing on a regular basis to improve quality

Read more authentic material to continue to improve their cultural awareness

 Read and show comprehension of different types of writing styles, understanding their purpose as well as the main ideas and some detail

Use voice control and purposeful intonation to suit purpose and audience

Start recognising attitudes and emotions in a variety of spoken or written passages




Talking about talent and ambition for young people in France

Explaining your dreams and ambitions for the future

Revising and comparing features of tenses in French

Building a timeline



Use a wide range of techniques for memorising words, phrases and spellings

Use their knowledge of English or another language when learning the target language

 Make links with English at word and sentence level

Use correct pronunciation and intonation to convey messages

Initiate and develop conversations, starting to cope with unfamiliar language and unexpected responses

Write paragraphs in the target language, using an increasing wide range of grammar and vocabulary to express their own ideas and opinions

Use their knowledge of grammatical rule to improve the accuracy of their speaking/writing

Redraft their writing on a regular basis to improve quality

Read more authentic material to continue to improve their cultural awareness Read and show comprehension of different types of writing styles, understanding their purpose as well as the main ideas and some detail

Use voice control and purposeful intonation to suit purpose and audience

Start recognising attitudes and emotions in a variety of spoken or written passages

Editing and redrafting work, using reference sources to continue to improve their precision and variety of expression


French Vocabulary

Year 5

Autumn Term:

First Half Term

Autumn Term:

Second Half Term

Spring Term:

First Half Term

Spring Term:

Second Half Term

Summer Term:

First Half Term

Summer Term:

Second Half Term


French alphabet:

Comment ca s’écrit?

Spelling typical French names:


Bonjour! Salut! A plus! A bientôt! Au revoir!

Comment t’appelles-tu?

Je m’appelle..

Ca va?

Ca va très bien, merci!

Ca ne va pas


Numbers up to 30:

Un  deux  trois….

Onze  douze  treize….

Vingt   trente

Days of the week:

lundi  mardi   mercredi

jeudi   vendredi    samedi   dimanche

Months of the year:

Janvier   Février   Mars….

Juillet   Août    Septembre…

Dates and birthdays:

J’ai……ans (J’ai dix ans)

Le premier Avril

Le quinze Octobre

C’est quand, ton anniversaire?

Mon anniversaire, c’est le…




Common words to describe the contents of a school bag and pencil case (stationary):

Un stylo  un crayon   une gomme  un portable   un cahier   une trousse…..

Dans mon sac, il y a ……

Verbs to express your likes and dislikes:

J’aime   J’aime beaucoup   J’adore   Je n’aime pas    Je déteste

Opinions (c’est…):

C’est super

C’est intéressant

C’est ennuyeux

C’est nul

Je préfère

 Describing hobbies and activities:

Tu aimes…?

J’aime le vélo et les jeux vidéo

J’adore la danse mais je déteste la musique




Colour adjectives:

Bleu(e), vert(e), blanc(he), noir(e), rouge,….

Common adjectives for size:

Grand(e), petit(e)

Intensifiers: très, assez

Common household pets:

Tu as un animal?

J’ai un animal

Je n’ai pas d’animal

Un chat

Un chien

Un lapin

Un oiseau

Un cheval

Une souris

Une tortue





Close family members:

Mon grand-père

Ma grand-mère

Mon père

Mon beau-père

Ma mère

Ma belle-mère

Mon oncle

Ma tante

Mon frère

Mon demi-frère

Ma soeur

Ma demi-soeur

Mon cousin

Ma cousine


More descriptive adjectives:





Town and countryside:

Dans une ville

Dans un village

Dans la forêt

Au bord de la mer

A la campagne

A la montagne

Dans un château

Dans une ferme

Dans une maison

Dans un appartement

Some common amenities in towns and villages:

Un magasin

Une boulangerie

Une mairie

Une église



Calling for attention and ordering food and drink:


S’il vous plait!

Vous désirez?

Le petit déjeuner

Le déjeuner



Common food and drinks in cafes:

Un pain au chocolat

Un croissant

Un sandwich(au fromage/au jambon)

Une tartine

Une pizza

Des fruits

Une glace

Un jus d’orange

Un coca

Une limonade

Un café

Un thé

Un chocolat chaud

Prices in Euros:

Deux euros

Cinq euros…..


Year 6

Autumn Term:

First Half Term

Autumn Term:

Second Half Term

Spring Term:

First Half Term

Spring Term:

Second Half Term

Summer Term:

First Half Term

Summer Term:

Second Half Term


Opinion verbs and a variety of reasons to express opinions in more detail:



J’aime beaucoup

Je n’aime pas

Je déteste

Tu aimes…?

J’aime ça

Je n’aime pas ça

C’est génial

C’est bien

C’est cool

C’est nul

C’est ennuyeux

 More linking words and intensifiers:

Et, mais, aussi


More hobbies and activities, introducing infinitive verbs:

Les consoles de jeux

Les jeux video

Le racisme

La violence

Les voyages

Les mangas

Les reptiles…..

Jouer au rugby

Jouer au foot

Ecouter la musique

Manger des spaghettis…



More colour adjectives and more topic related adjectives:

Les yeux

Les cheveux









A variety of adjectives to describe personality

 More intensifiers:



Gentil (lle)


Curieux (se)




Essential key structures, using the verb “to be” and “to have”:

J’ai/Il a/Elle a

Je suis/Il est/Elle est

Je ne suis pas/Il n’est pas/Elle n’est pas

New researched vocabulary, introduced by pupils themselves



A variety of common verbs to describe everyday activities

(infinitives and conjugated verbs):












Je mange/ Il mange/Elle mange

Je bois/Il boit/Elle boit

Adding detail in sentences (when? where?):

Dans la chambre

Dans le jardin

Dans le parc

Au collège


Le week-end

Le mardi




Geographical features



au sud

au nord

a la montagne

a la mer

en ville

dans un village

dans la forêt

New hobbies and activities linked to geographical areas:

En hiver

En été

Le rafting

Le ski alpin

La motoneige

Le hockey sur glace

La natation

Les promenades

La photographie

Les compétitions



School subjects and school routine:

Au collège

Mon cours/ma leçon

Mon premier cours

Mon deuxième cours


Le Français


Les maths

Les sciences


La géographie

Les arts plastiques


More topic related reasons for opinions:

C’est intéressant

C’est important

C’est difficile

C’est facile

C’est marrant

On a beaucoup de devoirs

Le prof est sympa

Le prof est trop sévère

Agreeing and disagreeing expressions:

Ah non!  Mais non!

T’es fou/T’es folle!



Telling the time:

Il est neuf heures

A neuf heures

A dix heures et demie

A trois heures et quart

A midi moins le quart

More verbs to describe school routine:

Je commence

Je finis

Je vais en récréation

Je mange à la cantine

Je quitte le collège


Common food items and ingredients on school menus:

Les entrées

Les plats

Les desserts

Une portion

Des crudités

Du Poulet

Du poisson

Des frites

Du steak haché

Des haricots verts

Du yaourt

De la tarte au citron

De la glace à la fraise

Bon appétit!



Year 7

Autumn Term:

First Half Term

Autumn Term:

Second Half Term

Spring Term:

First Half Term

Spring Term:

Second Half Term

Summer Term:

First Half Term

Summer Term:

Second Half Term


Technology and social media (computers and mobile phones):

Qu’est-ce que tu fais..?

Mon ordinateur

Mon portable

Je surfe sur internet

Je tchatte

Je télécharge de la musique

J’envoie des SMS

j’envoie des e-mails

Sports and activities:

Tu es sportif?

Je suis assez/très sportif(ve)

Je joue..

Au basket

Au billard

Au ping-pong

Aux boules/à la pétanque

Je fais..

Du judo

Du patin à glace

Du vélo

De la natation

De l’équitation


Using topic related verbs

(to play/practise/train):

Je joue

Je fais

Des competitions

Je m’entraîne

Je suis champion

J’ai gagné

Frequency words:



Tous les jours

Tout le temps

De temps en temps

Une fois par semaine


Sports and activities:

J’aime faire

Du parkour

Des promenades

Du roller

Du skate

Du jogging

De la musculation

De la lutte


Retrouver mes  amis en ville

Faire les magasins

Trainer avec mes copains

Jouer sur ma Playstation


Using topic related verbs

(to play/practise/train):

Il/elle est champion(ne) régional/national

Il/elle s’entraîne

Il/Elle a gagné

A variety of detail answering questions like When? Where? Who with?;

En été

En hiver

Quand il fait beau

Quand il fait froid

Quand il pleut


Le week-end

Le samedi matin

Le lundi soir

Avec mes parents

Avec mes copains/copines

Avec mon frère/ma soeur

Avec ma famille

Au parc

En ville

Au stade

Au centre de loisirs

Dans le jardin


Places in town:

Qu’est-ce qu’il y a..?

Il y a..

Il n’y a pas de….

Un centre commercial

Un centre de loisirs

Une église

Un château

Un marché

Un parc

Un restaurant

Une patinoire

Une piscine

Des magasins


Town amenities and shops:

Un café

Une bibliothèque

Des musées

Une boulangerie

Une boucherie

Un supermarché

Un tabac

Un parking

Un hôpital


Some geographical

features and economical features like factory or agriculture:

dans l’est/ouest

au nord/sud

La Mer du nord

La Manche

La Méditerranée

Au bord de la mer

Les Alpes

Les Pyrénées

Des plaines

Des forêts

Des lacs

Des fleuves

Des rivières


Les usines


Opinion verbs and more topic related reasons for opinions:

Tu aimes ta ville?/ton village?

A mon avis,…

Je pense que….

C’est très/assez..




C’est trop/un peu…




Tu es d’accord?

Je suis/ne suis pas d’accord

Giving and asking for directions in town:


S’il vous plait!


Ou est le/la……?

Ou sont les…..?

C’est à gauche

C’est à droite

C’est tout droit

C’est au carrefour

Tournez à gauche

Tournez à droite




Asking people out: accepting and refusing invitations, using modal verbs:

Tu veux…?

Tu veux aller/visiter…?

Je veux bien!

Bonne idée!



Si tu veux!

Non merci.

Non, je n’ai pas envie.


Some countries in the world and types of holidays (mountain/seaside…):

Les vacances

À la mer

En ville

À la campagne

À la montagne

En France

En Espagne

En Grèce

En Italie

Au Portugal

Aux Etats-Unis

Au Canada

En Australie



A variety of verbs to describe holiday activities, including reflexive verbs:


Nous allons…

Nous faisons du camping

Nous faisons de la rando

Nous faisons des activités sportives

Nous restons..

Dans un hôtel

Dans une maison de location

Dans un camping

Je me prépare

Je me douche

Je m’habille

Je me parfume



Types of food and drinks typically served in cafes:

J’ai faim

J’ai soif

Vous désirez?

Un café

Un café-crème

Un thé (au lait/au citron)

Un Orangina

Une limonade

Un croque-monsieur

Un croque-madame

Une crêpe

Une glace (à la vanille/ à la fraise)

High numbers (up to 100) and prices in Euros:










Tu as combien d’argent?

J’ai douze euros cinquante

J’ai huit euros quatre-vingts

The near future tense and conditional tense with more verbs in the infinitive:

Pour les vacances, je vais…

Aller à la pêche

Faire de l’accrobranche

Faire du karaoke

Faire de la voile

Faire de la planche à voile

Nager dans la mer

Rester au lit

Je voudrais…

Faire le tour du monde

Visiter Hawai

Rencontrer mon acteur/actrice préféré(e)

Year 8

Autumn Term:

First Half Term

Autumn Term:

Second Half Term

Spring Term:

First Half Term

Spring Term:

Second Half Term

Summer Term:

First Half Term

Summer Term:

Second Half Term


Animals of the world:

un tigre

un loup

un zèbre

un aigle

un pingouin

un canard

une fourmi

une hyène


Physical characteristics:

L’aspect physique

Des rayures

Les yeux

La queue

Un peu de noir

Un peu de blanc

Le bec

Les dents



un prédateur/un ennemi

Diet and habitat:



De la viande


Des plantes

De l’herbe


Continents and countries of the world:

En Asie

En Afrique

En Australie

En Europe

En Inde

En Indochine

En Amérique du sud

En Amérique du  Nord


Geographical features:

Dans l’océan

Dans les mers chaudes/froides

Dans la forêt/dans la montagne/dans le désert

Dans les plaines

Dans les arbres

Dans les marécages

Dans un terrier

Dans une grotte


Types of TV programs and films:

Je regarde…

J’aime bien…

Je ne regarde jamais…

Je ne rate jamais…

Les dessins animés

Les documentaires

Les émissions de télé-réalité

Les émissions musicales

Les émissions de sport

Les infos

La météo

Les séries

Les films d’action

Les films d’amour

Les films fantastiques

Les films d’aventure

Les films d’horreur

More topic related opinion words and reasons for opinions:

Je suis fan de…

J’ai une passion pour….

J’ai horreur de/des….

Mon émission préférée, c’est….

Mon film/acteur/actrice préféré(e), c’est…

Reviewing words and expressions:

A mon avis, c’est…

Je pense que….

Je trouve ça….










L’action se passe…

C’est l’histoire de….

Le scénario

Le personnage principal

Les personnages

Je recommande à tout le monde




Types of tourist attractions:

Un monument

Un musée

Un château

Une cathédrale

Une avenue

Des grands magasins

Une visite guidée

Un défilé

Un feu d’artifice

Tourist attractions in Paris:

Le moulin rouge

Le cancan

Les catacombes

La tour Eiffel

Le centre Pompidou

Le Louvre (la joconde)

La cathédrale de Notre-Dame

Activities on a city visit:

J’ai passé une semaine/un week-end

J’ai admiré…

J’ai acheté des souvenirs

J’ai envoyé des cartes postales

J’ai pris des photos

J’ai vu…

J’ai rencontré

On a fait les magasins

On a fait un tour de la ville en Segway

On a fait une balade en bateau-mouche

Sequencing words used in an account:






Key question words (where/when/how...):

A quelle heure?



Combien de temps?




Avec qui?



Describing personalities (qualities and drawbacks):

Mon caractère

Je suis..

Je ne suis pas…

Je pense que je suis…

Mon/Ma meilleur(e) ami(e) est…









Intensifiers and comparative words:

Un peu


Pas du tout



Relationship description words:


Se chamailler

Se confier des secrets

Se dire

Se disputer


Se fâcher



Types of music and songs:

Le jazz

La musique Classique

Le hard-rock

Le rap

Le R’n’B

Une chanson

Les mélodies

Les paroles

Les chorégraphies

Mon groupe préféré..

Mon chanteur/ma chanteuse préféré(e)..

Clothing and styles of clothing:

Je porte..

Des baskets

Des chaussures

Une chemise

Un chapeau

Un jean

Une jupe

Un pantalon

Un sweat à capuche

Une veste

J’ai un style..





Topic related opinions and reasons for opinions:

Ca me donne envie de…


Ca me rend..





A wide range of vocabulary, recalling past and present knowledge, to complete presentation about themselves



Types of talent and gifts:

Mon talent, c’est…

Être pom-pom girl

Faire de la magie

Jouer du piano/de la guitare..

Je veux être…





Je veux gagner

Je veux participer


Verbs used to express ambition(including future and conditional tenses):

Je veux

Je peux

Je dois

Je vais

Je voudrais

Modal verbs (can/must...) used to support others:

Tu peux

Tu dois

Aller à l’audition

Participer au concours

Faire un clip vidéo

Répéter tous les jours

Avoir confiance en toi

Etre ambitieux(se)

Etre sur(e) de toi

Etre le plus/la plus..

Etre le moins/la moins…


A wide range of vocabulary, recalling past and present knowledge, both of topic related words and grammar, to complete a timeline in French





British Values





Democracy: completing a survey about my and other people's favourite hobbies

Democracy: taking part in a whole class hand up vote about education system preferences (English or French?)

Democracy: comparing people's use of technology through questionnaires

Democracy: taking part in a whole class hand up vote about their most popular tourist attractions in Paris

The rule of law: describing the content of my bag, understanding the importance of organisation and school equipment

The rule of law: reading about school menus and their content, developing an awareness of the French law and conventions in schools

The rule of law: asking/giving directions when in France, developing an awareness of some French road signs as well as conventions and rules on the road

The rule of law: planning and completing a project about a chosen wild animal, developing an awareness of international laws and conventions about the protection of endangered species

Individual liberty: awareness and understanding of the consequences of my choices and actions in the classroom

Individual liberty: making the right choices in the French class, with a clear understanding of the reward system in place 

Individual liberty: following clear established class routines in all lessons

Individual liberty: knowledge and understanding of the consequences of my choices and actions in the classroom

Mutual respect: discussing and comparing individual family situations, building family trees (respecting each other 's contributions)

Mutual respect: agreeing and disagreeing in longer conversations about school subjects preferences, working as a team, taking on different roles to support and enhance learning

Mutual respect: talking and writing about your next holiday plans, respecting each other's contribution and different points of view

Mutual respect: conducting interviews about past events, working as a team, taking on different roles to support and enhance learning

Tolerance: discussing traditions and customs in French speaking countries at Christmas

Tolerance: comparing the French and English education systems, considering experiences of people from other cultures and reflect upon your own response to it

Tolerance: comparing the Pound and Euro currencies, considering the experiences of people from other cultures and reflect upon your own response to it

Tolerance: reading a French poem, understanding its content and purpose, considering the experiences of people from other cultures and reflect upon your own response to it







Skills acquired: make links with their mother tongue at word and sentence level to improve literacy, take part in short dialogues and conversations to improve self-confidence and speaking skills

Skills acquired: make links with their mother tongue at word, sentence and text level to improve literacy, take part in short dialogues, conversations and discussions to improve self-confidence and speaking skills

Skills acquired: make links with their mother tongue at sentence and text level to improve literacy, develop skills and strategies for listening, speaking, reading and writing in a range of situations and contexts

Skills acquired: develop skills and strategies for listening, speaking, reading and writing in a range of situations and contexts, develop and build conversations, making use of important social conventions

Careers mentioned: veterinarian, naturalist, town planner, waiter/waitress, chef, maths teacher




Be exposed to other cultures and points of view to develop respect and tolerance

Take part in conversations and discussions to improve self confidence and speaking skills, produce and assess work in pairs and groups in order to collaborate and reach agreements

Take part in conversations and discussions to improve self-confidence and speaking skills, be exposed to other cultures and points of view to develop respect and tolerance

Produce/assess work in pairs and groups in order to collaborate and reach agreements

Be exposed to other cultures and points of view to develop respect and tolerance

Self manage their time, prioritising tasks, reviewing their own and other people's progress, identifying necessary improvements

Careers mentioned: publicist, journalist, geographer, school teacher, caterer, chef


Self manage their time, prioritising tasks

Be exposed to a wide range of aural and written material to improve overall comprehension

Careers mentioned: sports professional, town planner, mathematician, police officer, travel agent, bank clerk

Careers mentioned: naturalist, biologist, environmentalist, poet, writer, TV program and film reviewer, tourism officer, artistic agent


Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC)





Spiritual: researching and comparing French and British celebrations at Christmas, improving their ability to reflect on their own and other people's experiences

Spiritual: design and research for "I am a Celebrity" poster, using their imagination and creativity in their learning

Spiritual: reading "Behind the Scene at the Famous Tour de France" and learning the popular French game of "Boules", increasing their sense of enjoyment and engagement in learning about the world around them

Spiritual: reading and appreciating a French surrealist poem, improving their ability to reflect on their own beliefs and show interest for different people's feelings and values

Moral: ongoing in lessons, following clear established classroom routines

Moral: asking/giving directions in France, learning some road signs and rules of the road, understanding the consequences of their behaviour and actions

Moral: planning and completing a project about a wild animal in the world, developing an awareness of international laws and conventions about the protection of endangered species

Social: ordering food in a French café, participating and contributing fully in conversations, cooperating with others

Social: describing and comparing their and other people's qualities and downfalls, showing mutual respect and tolerance of those with a different point of view

Social: talking about their next holiday plans, showing respect and tolerance of those with different points of view

Social: take part in conversations agreeing and disagreeing about TV programs' quality and relevance, cooperating well with others and being able to resolve conflict effectively

Cultural: meetings and greetings in France, developing a better awareness of traditions and customs, improving their understanding of cultural diversity

Cultural: reading about and discussing the French educational system, understanding, accepting, respecting and celebrating diversity within Europe

Cultural: reading about regional differences in France, developing their understanding and appreciation of the wide range of cultural influences that shape an individual's heritage

Cultural: reading and understanding French tourist attractions guides and reviews, showing willingness to participate in and respond positively to cultural opportunities