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Leighton Middle School



PSHCE at LMS aims to support young people in becoming articulate and informed citizens, helping them to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage life’s challenges and make the most of life’s opportunities, now and beyond the classroom.  Well-delivered PSHCE enables our young people to be life-long independent learners, not only during the rest of their educational journey but for their future lives and careers.

PSHCE at LMS plays a vital role in delivering and enriching SMSC and British Values, contributes to the safeguarding of our young people and gives them the skills to identify and voice concerns.  Young people are encouraged to work collaboratively to develop strategies to deal with issues and apply them to real-life situations.  Additionally, our PSHCE curriculum develops skills and attributes such as resilience, self-esteem, risk-management, team working and critical thinking – which, in turn, will support them in achieving personal excellence.


Our curriculum is designed to allow pupils to develop their knowledge, skills and attributes over their time at LMS.  We spiral back to key themes during our dedicated lessons, which are supported by many of the Thought for the Day topics in tutor times as well as in a variety of other subjects across the school.

We follow the statutory guidance for RSHE and Citizenship and include lessons which suit the particular needs of our cohort.  Young people learn using a variety of resources and methods such as reading materials, videos, practical application, class discussion and debate.


By the end of their time at LMS, young people will:

  • recognise and apply the British Values.
  • understand the workings and importance of key institutions, such as the legal system, charities, and the government and monarchy.
  • recognise, understand, manage and articulate their own emotions; know when and how to ask for support.
  • know how to risk assess situations and keep themselves safe, face-to-face and online.
  • know how to look after their own mental and physical health, look out for the mental and physical health of others (including how to administer basic first aid) and know where they can receive support.
  • recognise the importance and benefits of living in a diverse society, know how to treat others with mutual respect and tolerance and have established boundaries regarding their own treatment by others.
  • apply learnt skills in real life situations.
  • demonstrate self-confidence and self-esteem in who they are and in what they are capable of achieving.
  • know how to develop and maintain healthy relationships with peers and adults in all scenarios.
  • know how to spot unhealthy relationships and steps they can take to rectify issues or end relationships.
  • show respect to themselves and others.
  • identify trustworthy sources of information.
  • be rounded individuals, prepared for life beyond school and into adulthood.

Curriculum Overview

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Year 5

Autumn Term:

First Half Term

Autumn Term:

Second Half Term

Spring Term:

First Half Term

Spring Term:

Second Half Term

Summer Term:

First Half Term

Summer Term:

Second Half Term

Pupils will be studying a Religion and Worldviews unit this half term, focusing on why some people inspire others.


Please see the Religion and Worldviews curriculum overview for further details.

Why are our friends, families and communities important?  Relationships and diversity.



Pupils will know that families can take a variety of forms (e.g. married parents, led by grandparent, same-sex parents), the characteristics and benefits of healthy familial and peer relationships (including online), as well as our rich and diverse communities.  They will know how to identify discrimination (plus related protected characteristics, e.g. age, disability, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation) and its effects and identify unhealthy relationships.  They will know how to combat discrimination and where we can go for help if we need it.



Pupils will be able to speak about the relationships in their lives and those of others (including those online), develop their empathy for those in different situations to themselves, identify if discrimination is illegal and be able to seek help if they need it and employ strategies to prevent discrimination.



Families, friendships, marriage, same-sex, age, disability, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation relationships, discrimination, diversity, communities.

Pupils will be studying a Religion and Worldviews unit this half term, focusing on what matters most to Humanists and Christians.


Please see the Religion and Worldviews curriculum overview for further details.

How can I be safe and healthy? Health and safety



Pupils will know the characteristics of a healthy lifestyle and risks relating to poor diet and inactivity, as well as how to recognise early signs of physical illness. They will know links between mental and physical health and things that negatively affect our mental health.  They will explore how to keep safe in a variety of situations (including online), what to do in an emergency.  They will know where to go for help and support.



Pupils will be able to plan healthy, balanced meals, make an exercise plan, employ strategies to help their mental and physical health, be able to report online issues, be able to risk assess situations, call for help in an emergency and do basic first aid.



Health, prevention, physical, mental, diet, exercise, safety, risk, emergency, first aid.

Pupils will be studying a Religion and Worldviews unit this half term, focusing on what helps Hindus as they try to be good.


Please see the Religion and Worldviews curriculum overview for further details.

How can I understand the changes in my body?



Pupils will know that their body is their own and explore the boundaries they, and others, set with regards to their body and how to communicate these to others.  They will know how to keep the body clean and healthy and why this is important.  They will know the physical and emotional changes that they will go through during puberty in order to become an adult.  They will explore menstrual wellbeing and key facts about the menstrual cycle. Pupils will know that they may begin to develop romantic feelings towards others, which may be towards the same or opposite sex.



Pupils will be able to consent and deny/withdraw consent.  They will be prepared for the physical and emotional changes linked to puberty and will be able to seek help and advice when needed.



Hygiene, menstruation, period, menstrual cycle, vulva, vagina, clitoris, urethra, penis, scrotum, testicles, egg, sperm, crush, romantic.

Year 6

Autumn Term:

First Half Term

Autumn Term:

Second Half Term

Spring Term:

First Half Term

Spring Term:

Second Half Term

Summer Term:

First Half Term

Summer Term:

Second Half Term

Pupils will be studying a Religion and Worldviews unit this half term, focusing on whether faith makes a difference to justice and poverty.


Please see the Religion and Worldviews curriculum overview for further details.

What is mental wellbeing and how can I look after it?



Pupils will know that mental wellbeing is a normal part of daily life and that we all have

mental health, that there is a

normal range of emotions that all humans experience, and know what kinds of behaviour are acceptable.  They will know the impact of isolation, loneliness, bullying and cyberbullying.



Pupils will be able to recognise early signs of poor mental health, judge how they are feeling, develop strategies to support their wellbeing, how to talk about and seek help with their mental health.



Friendship, bullying, cyber-bulllying, wellbeing, mental health, depression, anxiety.

Pupils will be studying a Religion and Worldviews unit this half term, focusing on whether science and religion are conflicting or complementary.


Please see the Religion and Worldviews curriculum overview for further details.

How can I stay safe online?



Pupils will know the benefits of the internet, how to stay safe online, where and how to report concerns, how people act differently on the internet (including pretending to be people they are not), the mental

and physical benefits of

rationing screen time, the

impact of online abuse/

trolling/bullying/harassment on mental health, effect of their online actions on others, how to

recognise and display

respectful behaviour online and how to evaluate bias in online information.



Pupils will be able to confidently report online issues and use the internet safely and responsibly.



Internet, reporting, physical health, mental health, screen time, trolling, harassment.

Pupils will be studying a Religion and Worldviews unit this half term, focusing on how faith is expressed in Islam.


Please see the Religion and Worldviews curriculum overview for further details.

What do I need to know about loving relationships? Sex and Relationships.



Pupils will know that relationships change over

time, that physical

relationships are a choice,

the characteristics of a healthy, loving relationship,

that some people have loving relationships with people of the same sex. They will know that each person’s body belongs to them, the differences between appropriate and inappropriate or unsafe physical (and other)

contact, that adults in a committed, loving relationship may decide to begin a sexual relationship, how a baby is conceived, pregnancy and it’s protected status and birth.



Pupils will be able identify how relationships may change and unhealthy aspects of relationships, develop skills to resolve issues in relationships and seek help and advice when needed.



Consent, physical/sexual relationships, penetration, sexual intercourse, egg, sperm, uterus, conception, pregnancy, birth.

Year 7

Autumn Term:

First Half Term

Autumn Term:

Second Half Term

Spring Term:

First Half Term

Spring Term:

Second Half Term

Summer Term:

First Half Term

Summer Term:

Second Half Term

Why are our friends and family important?  Relationships



Pupils will know the positive features of healthy relationships, be able to identify bullying and cyberbullying in a wider context (e.g. workplace bullying).  They will understand the importance of relationships to human happiness and in bringing up children.  They will know the legal status of different types of relationship (e.g. the protected status of marriage and civil partnership) and that all relationships should be entered into freely.



Pupils will be able to judge when a relationship is unsafe and use strategies to support successful relationships.  They will be able to identify trustworthy sources of information and be able to seek help and report concerns.



Relationships, safety, abuse, power-dynamics, marriage, civil partnership, cohabitation.

How can communities work cohesively? Relationships and discrimination



Pupils will know the roles played by public institutions and voluntary groups and the ways in which citizens work together to improve their communities.  They will know that our society is diverse, some reasons for that diversity, that they can expect to be treated with respect and how stereotypes (especially those against the protected characteristics of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion, sex, sexual-orientation)  can cause damage and the causes and effects of extremism.



Pupils will be able to contribute positively to their own community, identify ways in which it is diverse and be able to actively challenge stereotypes and discrimination and that some types of discrimination are illegal.



Community, cohesion, institution, diversity, immigration, stereotypes, discrimination.

How can I maintain a healthy, safe lifestyle?



Pupils will know how to keep themselves safe in both physical and online spaces.  They will know strategies that they can use in situations where peers (or others) are making them feel physically or mentally unsafe. They will know what to do in an emergency, how physical and mental wellbeing support one-another and how to develop personal strategies to keep themselves physically and emotionally healthy.



Pupils will be able to do basic first aid and call for help, take steps to keep safe online and in real life, use strategies to maintain their physical and mental health and to protect themselves from others who mean them harm.



Diet, exercise, health, wellbeing, physical, mental, first aid, emergency, legal, illegal.

How can I maintain a healthy, safe lifestyle?



Pupils will know the factors that contribute to physical health, including: the links between diet and health, the importance of hydration, how nutritional information can be found on food products and how that relates to their energy intake. They will know how bacteria and viruses are spread and how to prevent infection, the importance of vaccinations and immunisations.



Pupils will be able to find links between physical and mental health, be able to read and understand nutritional information on food labelling.  They will know how adults can calculate their calorie intake and how this can be compared to their Basal Metabolic Rate and Total Daily Energy Expenditure.



Diet, exercise, health, wellbeing, physical, mental, nutrition, calories, fat, sugar, BMR, TDEE, disease, infection, virus, bacteria, vaccination, immunisation.




Pupils will know key facts about puberty and menstrual wellbeing and the implications for emotional and physical health, characteristics and positive aspects of healthy intimate relationships and how to manage conflict, what consent is and when it can be withdrawn, key facts about FGM (including its legal status in the UK).



Pupils will be able to manage transitions between stages in life, recognise and challenge unhealthy relationship behaviours, recognise, ask for, give, not give and withdraw consent, seek advice and support for relationships and sexual health recognise and report FGM.



Consent, puberty, menstruation, abuse, coercion, manipulation, mutilation, circumcision.

How does the legal system work?



Pupils will know the nature of rules and laws and the justice system, the role of the police and the operation of courts, including differences between criminal and civil law.  Pupils will know their rights under the law.



Pupils will be able to give their opinion on legal matters, such as the age of criminal responsibility, and be able to explain the function of laws in our society.



Crime, criminal, civil, conviction, government, barrister, solicitor, law, legal system, judge, court, police, rights, juvenile, legal, illegal, rights.

Year 8

Autumn Term:

First Half Term

Autumn Term:

Second Half Term

Spring Term:

First Half Term

Spring Term:

Second Half Term

Summer Term:

First Half Term

Summer Term:

Second Half Term

How can I protect my mental health?



Pupils will know a variety of vocabulary that they can use to communicate their feelings, that happiness is linked to being connected to others, how to recognise the early signs of mental wellbeing concerns and common types of mental ill health, harmful behaviours  and activities they can take part in to improve their mental health.



Pupils will be able to talk about their emotions accurately and sensitively, using appropriate vocabulary, critically evaluate whether something has a positive or negative effect on the mental wellbeing of themselves or others, develop strategies to improve their mental health.



Emotions, wellbeing, health, suicide, depression, anxiety.

How can I identify and protect myself from risky behaviours?



Pupils will know various behaviours that can be risky to their health, including: carrying a knife and its consequences, the risks of gambling, using drugs, alcohol and nicotine products, the dangers of the misuse of prescription drugs and the risks associated with gang involvement and county lines.



Pupils will be able to risk assess behaviours and develop strategies to say no to activities they know can be a risk to their health and wellbeing.



Drugs, alcohol, gambling, addiction, tobacco, gangs, organised crime, county lines, exploitation, abuse.

How does the political system work?



Pupils will know about the development of the political system of democratic government in the United

Kingdom, including the roles of citizens, Parliament and the monarch and about the operation of Parliament, including voting, elections, and the role of political




Pupils will be able to read the key points in political manifestos in order to decide who they wish to vote for.  They will be able to opine on the benefits of democracy and their role, and those of others, within the democratic system.



Government, parliament, monarchy, citizen, voting, ballot, election, MP, Prime Minister, opposition, political party, manifesto, constituency, council.

What influence do the media and social media have on me?



Pupils will know the positives and negatives of easy access to information, the importance of online privacy, the importance of age restrictions and the reasons behind them and how information and data is generated, collected, shared and used online.  They will know the difficulty of removing compromising material placed online.  They will know how people can be radicalised online.



Pupils will be able to identify bias in information sources, select trustworthy sources and be able to protect their privacy, physical and mental health while using the internet.



Media, social media, bias, algorithm, data, privacy, extremism, grooming, radicalisation.




Sex and gender stereotypes and their potential effects, types of

behaviour within relationships that are criminal, what constitutes sexual harassment/violence, how use of alcohol and drugs can lead to risky sexual behaviour, impact and consequences of

viewing/making sexually explicit material, key facts about reproductive health and pregnancy, contraceptive efficacy, key facts about STI’s.



Pupils will be able to recognise stereotyping in relation to protected characteristics and take steps to prevent it, take steps to manage sexual pressure and sexual harassment, select contraception based on its ability to prevent pregnancy and STI’s.



Gender, orientation, sexuality, coercion, manipulation, harassment, explicit, efficacy, pregnancy, miscarriage.

How can I be successful in the future?



Pupils will know how values relate to professions and that finding a profession that fits with their values will allow them to lead happier, more fulfilled lives.  They will know where they can get help for problems they may encounter in the wider world and how volunteering will can help them physically, mentally and in their careers.  They will be able to identify positives about their time at LMS and steps they can take to improve.



Pupils will be able to talk about their emotions regarding moving to upper school, know who to speak to at upper schools in case of a problem.  They will be able to identify their own values in relation to building a bright future.



Career, profession, wellbeing, values, volunteering.

British Values

Year 5

Year 6

Year 7

Year 8

Pupils are encouraged to express their views and opinions at all points.
Rights within relationships of all kinds.
Understanding equal rights, discrimination and how to prevent it.

Pupils are encouraged to express their views and opinions at all points.
Understanding their rights online.

Pupils are encouraged to express their views and opinions at all points.
Understanding their rights with regard to being arrested.
That the rights of every British citizen are equal.
The role of local councils in communities.

Pupils are encouraged to express their views and opinions at all points.
The nature of democracy in the UK.
The roles of citizens, parliament and the monarch.
The electoral system.
The role and nature of political parties.

Rule of Law
Everyone has the right to decide what happens with their own body and reporting concerns.
Rules around health and safety inside and outside school.
Unhealthy relationships.

Rule of Law
Everyone has the right to decide what happens with their own body and reporting concerns.
Rules around staying safe online.
Rules governing popular social media and apps, e.g. age restrictions.
Age of consent.

Rule of Law
The nature of laws and the justice system.
The role of the police.
The operation of courts, including differences between criminal and civil law. 
That you can't discriminate against people within certain protected groups.
The legal status of different kinds of relationship (e.g. marriages and civil partnerships).
That no one can force another to get married.
The laws around FGM.

Rule of Law
Protected classes and anti-discrimination legislation.
The laws around carrying a knife.
The laws around possession of illegal substances.
Illegal actions within relationships, e.g. coercive control.
The laws around making/viewing explicit content.
The laws around sexual harassment and sexual violence.
Rules around internet useage and age restrictions.
Laws around GDPR and data collection on the internet.

Individual Liberty
Freedom to make decisions around their friendships and other relationships.
Assessing risks in a variety of situations.
Making decisions about what they do with their own bodies.

Individual Liberty
Making decisions about and guarding our own mental health.
Making good decisions on the internet.
Making decisions about what they do with their own bodies.

Individual Liberty
The choices around having romantic relationships and a family.
The choices around living a healthy lifestyle.
That relationships should be freely entered into.
The choices around finances.
The choices around vaccinations and immunisations.

Individual Liberty
Making decisions about and guarding our own mental health.
Making good decisions on the internet.
Making decisions about what they do with their own bodies.

Understanding equal treatment of those with different faiths and beliefs.
Understanding of discrimination and how it can be combatted.

Understanding the effect of online harassment on different communities.
The dangers of online radicalisation.

How diverse communities can work together cohesively.
The damage caused by stereotypes.

The dangers of online radicalisation.
Issues around protected characteristics and discrimination.

Mutual Respect
Pupils are encouraged to give their own opinions.
Ground rules establish everyone's right to their own opinion within lessons.
Pupils listen to the opinions of others.
Respectful relationships of all kinds.

Mutual Respect
Pupils are encouraged to give their own opinions.
Ground rules establish everyone's right to their own opinion within lessons.
Pupils listen to the opinions of others.
How we should treat others and be treated online.
Understanding that everyone has mental health and it may change during our lives.

Mutual Respect
Pupils are encouraged to give their own opinions.         Ground rules establish everyone's right to their own opinion within lessons.
Pupils listen to the opinions of others.
How we should treat others within our communities.
That we can all expect to be treated with respect by others.
That communities have a shared responsibility to look after its vulnerable members.

Mutual Respect
Pupils are encouraged to give their own opinions.
Ground rules establish everyone's right to their own opinion within lessons.
Pupils listen to the opinions of others.
How we should treat others and be treated within romantic relationships.
Developing understanding of gender and biological sex.



Year 5

Year 6

Year 7

Year 8

Emergency services

The roles of the police, ambulance service and the fire service.

The role of emergency services call operators.


The role of medical professionals, such as doctors, nurses and dentists.


The role of online safety and moderators.

Other career opportunities involving the internet.

Mental Health

The roles of mental health practitioners, e.g. mental health nurses, councillors, therapists etc.


The role of online safety and moderators.

Other career opportunities involving the internet.

Criminal Justice

The roles of judges and magistrates.

The role of police.

The role of the probation service.

The role of criminal solicitors and barristers.


The role of medical professionals, such as doctors, nurses and medical academics.

Charities and Volunteering

The roles of charities.

Volunteering opportunities.


The role of MP's.

The role of civil servants.

Roles in local government.


The role of journalists.

The role of influencers.

Data collection/analysis.

Mental Health

The roles of mental health practitioners, e.g. mental health nurses, councillors, therapists etc.

Professional Life

Finding a career that fits with your values.

Developing skills for future careers.


Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC)

Year 5

Year 6

Year 7

Year 8

Reflecting on pupils' own beliefs and values at all points.
Developing an understanding of the amazing communities we live.
Developing an understanding that others' values may be different from our own.
The lengths to which people will go to help others.
Despite our differences, the shared goals of all of humanity.
The development of our bodies through puberty to enable new life.

Reflecting on pupils' own beliefs and values at all points.
Reflecting on the world around us and our experiences of it.
Developing an understanding that others' values may be different from our own.
The enormity of the internet and its ability to link the world in a matter of seconds.
The human body and its ability to produce offspring.

Reflecting on pupils' own beliefs and values at all points.
Reflecting on the world around us and our experiences of it.
Developing an understanding that others' values may be different from our own.
The nature of families and their role in looking after one another.
The diverse culture and history of the UK.
The role of communities in supporting each other.
The institutions and charities within our society which help it to function.
The nature of volunteering.
Reflecting on right and wrong.

Reflecting on pupils' own beliefs and values at all points.
Reflecting on the world around us and our experiences of it.
Developing an understanding that others' values may be different from our own.
The development and history of the parliamentary system

How we should treat others in relationships of all kinds.
How we should treat others within our communities.
Our responsibilities to keep ourselves and others safe and healthy.
Our responsibilities to help ourselves and others when we are in need.

Issues around seeking and giving consent.
The importance of acting responsibly online.
The stigma around mental health.
Treating our own mental health and that of others with respect.

Our responsibilities towards those who are vulnerable.
Our responsibility to promote equity and equality.
Issues around crime and the age of criminal responsibility.
Issues around FGM.
Issues around coercive control and forced marriage,
Issues around vaccine hesitancy.
Issues around harmful stereotypes.

Our responsibilities towards children and those we engage in romantic relationships with.
Issues around the age of consent and ability to consent.
Issues around coercive control and manipulation.
Issues around mental health and stigma.
Issues around biological sex and gender identity.
Issues around governmental structures globally.
Issues around fake news, misinformation, disinformation and data collection.
Issues around trolling and other online harassment.
Issues around sexual discrimination, harassment and sexual violence.
Issues around knife crime and county lines.
Responsibilities around sexual health and contraception.

Identifying healthy and unhealthy relationships.
Benefits of healthy relationships.
How to manage conflict/change within relationships.
How to interact positively within our communities.

Appropriate ways of communicating online.
The benefits and drawbacks of the internet.
The treatment of those with mental health issues within our society.
The nature of physically intimate relationships.

Living in communities and community cohesion.
Healthy relationships and interactions with others in all contexts.
Managing conflict within relationships.
The effects of crime on individuals, families and communities.
Resolving conflict within relationships.
Roles and opportunities to volunteer.

Romantic relationships.
Resolving conflict within relationships.
Effects of mental health difficulties on relationships of all kinds.
Online communities.
Negative effects of drugs, alcohol and gambling addiction on relationships.
The importance of volunteering.

Developing an understanding of diverse family units (e.g. same-sex couples, multi-generational households etc).
Appreciating the rich and diverse communities we live in.

The nature of online culture.
Interacting with those of different nationalities and cultures online.

The nature and benefits of our diverse communities.
The impact of immigration on communities.
The impact of the loss of traditional industries on our communities.
The development of the British legal system.
The contribution of charities and voluntary services to our communities.
The role of local councils.

The nature and development of British democracy.
The role of alcohol, drugs and gambling in our society.
Peer pressure to conform to societal norms and expectations around gender and sexuality, alcohol consumption, relationships, sex etc.