School Fund
Last year our Evening on the Lawns was again popular and very busy, raising over £5,000 – without the school staff running stalls, manning food and drinks and selling tokens we could not have done it! A huge thank you to all involved.
The money raised contributed to the end of term cinema treat for the whole school, also with supplying medals for sporting events, funds towards our orienteering course and benches around the school for pupils – more of which have been purchased to go in our new garden area that our gardening club have spent so much time on.
Please look out for future fundraising events.
Community Action Romania
Our 2024 Harvest Appeal raised £1074.03.
School Lottery
Every ticket purchased really does make a difference, especially in current times.
Thank you for your continued support!
Bag2School is a company that specialises in the reuse and recycling of good quality second-hand clothing. The clothing is collected and weighed and the school receives a payment based on the weight. The more we collect the greater the benefit to the school.
The collection this school year was on 12th November 2024.
Easy Fundraising
We need your help! If you shop online, please could you sign up to easyfundraising to support Leighton Middle School?
It’s a really easy way to raise money for us – you just use the easyfundraising site to shop online with more than 3,600 well known online stores like Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS,, eBay, Boden, and M&S and when you make a purchase, the retailer sends us a free donation, at no extra cost to you.
We want to raise as much as possible, so please visit our easyfundraising page and click ‘support us’.
As with any school, sometimes items of clothing or equipment go missing in school! Whilst the majority of this is named and therefore makes its way back to the pupil, sometimes it doesn’t which can cause frustration for all involved. The PTA have registered with label planet who create personalised name labels for all school items and offer school commission when parents order directly from them.
They are dispatched straight to your home address and you order them online – just please add in the schools fundraising number to your order! 11827. The labels are stick in, no sewing or ironing required. All children will be given a flyer today and we have sample stickers for Y5 pupils with their first name on so that they can try them out!
Our School: